Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Converting Aspirations to Motivations

Motivation is a strong inner drive to accomplish something. It goes beyond mere instinct and desires. It is the commitment to achieve despite of difficulties or challenges. People who are highly motivated may initially fail multiple times but they usually see failures as part of the learning process. They see these failures as opportunities to improve their strategies.

Pushing limits

As the saying goes, "whatever that does not kill you will make you stronger." It seems that highly motivated people will always push their limits even if they are on the brink of proverbially or literally killing themselves in the process. Perhaps among the excellent examples of highly motivated people are the long-distance runners in the Olympics who push the limits of human stamina and endurance.

Merely having the aspirations of accomplishing something is different from being motivated from actually achieving these desires. All people have dreams and aspirations but only a few really become successful. Most dreams and aspirations are never realized. There are many factors to consider but the primary factor for not realizing these dreams is the weak motivational push of most people.

Internalizing motivations

External motivational factors could be either negative or positive but these merely serve as triggers. Motivation is always a personal choice to commit and act on goals. Incentives and coercions may provide some boost but being motivated will ultimately depend on the individual mindset. For example, a lazy student may not necessarily respond to the threat of being flunked. Conversely, the incentive of getting high grades and being recognized in the honor roll will not necessarily force a student to study diligently.

Extrinsic motivational factors are only as effective if the intrinsic motivation is responsive. However, it goes beyond mere reacting to stimulus. It is all about sustaining the reaction and internalizing the drive. Aspirations only become achievable goals if they become motivations.


Set goals - The goals must follow the SMART criteria. The goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant or realistic, and time-bound.

Plan - Once the goals are clearly established, making plans is the next logical step. It should involve dividing the goal into intermediate and manageable objectives. It should also involve the allocation of resources such as money and time.

Execute plan - Procrastinations must be avoided. It is crucial that the plan must be implemented as soon as possible. Starting early will ensure that adjustments in strategies and utmost quality can be accomplished.

Commit - Goals and plans are useless if they are easily discarded once difficulties are encountered. A high level of commitment is necessary especially for difficult long term goals. Staying focus on the most important things will help sustain commitment.

Learn - Plans serve as guidelines but they are not necessarily infallible maps. Even with the assistance of maps other routes can be discovered. Hence, it is important to be flexible enough to learn new things and change strategies when necessary.

Ask for help - No matter how talented, intelligent or wealthy a person might be, he or she cannot possibly do everything that is needed to accomplish personal goals. Asking for the assistance of others will make the tasks much easier. For instance, if a business person who want to build a corporate empire will need the help of managers and ordinary workers.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Steps Towards Life Fulfilment

Have you ever had that inexplicable feeling of emptiness even after a fruitful day at work or after a great party with your dearest of friends? You think you have a well-balanced life, carefully planned and thought of, but still - there's that feeling that something is missing.

These are the classic symptoms indicating that one has lost his sense of purpose. This is a period when you come to the reality that all you thought that would make you happy don't, and suddenly, all that used to make you happy no longer feel satisfying.

Everyone goes through this stage at different points in their life. It may be at the onset of adulthood, or right smack in the middle of their success (thus the term "mid-life crisis"?). But regardless of when it is, from time to time, people must sit back and assess their lives and see how they are faring in this chart:

FACE THE FACTS. You have to be honest with yourself - are you feeling empty because you are not at the job you want? Or did you set aside marriage to make way for career growth?  Are you married with too many kids that you have no more time for yourself? Whatever it is, you must accept the facts, because these pave the way easier in "repairing" your future.

ESTABLISH CLEAR PRIORITIES. So maybe you devoted too much time on the unimportant things in life, like partying too much, or drinking until you "forget about your problems." Sit down and make a list of the things that matter, and the things that don't. When you come at these crossroads in your life, you realize that not everything you thought was terrific was as great as you thought they were.

DEVELOP AND PRACTICE GOOD TIME MANAGEMENT. Have you noticed that when you are constantly hurrying, life just seems to pass you by, and you "don't really notice the time?" If you are too out-of-touch because you are always rushing, your life becomes a mere string of events that you need to accomplish in order to get to the end.

IMPLEMENT HEALTHY LIFESTYLE PRACTICES. This is a reality that is too present. If you mismanage your health, you end up paying for the repercussions. Try to make the most out of your life. Don't be weighed down by unnecessary health issues.

LIVE BENEATH YOUR MEANS. Oftentimes, we try to search for happiness in material things - thus buying everything money could buy, so that people around us will think highly of us. Wrong. Who are you always trying to impress? If you live in a fake make-believe world, you are not living - you are escaping. If you live outside of your means, you only shorten your life by constantly finding ways to earn enough to pay for things you bought, with money you don't have. Don't forget that the higher the bar you have set for yourself, then the higher you need to go in order to feel even more fulfilled, Don't get trapped in a material world.

CARE ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER MORE. If you are nonchalant and living as though you don't have a care in the world, then you will never achieve fulfilment. Always conduct yourself in a manner you and your future children will be proud of. There's no pride in leaving a bad legacy.

LEARN TO SAY NO. The best test of one's character lies in being able to say no to temptations. Don't succumb to the lure of money, power and fame. These are temporary, and unless these are the only things you wish to accomplish in your life, then these things don't really bring true life fulfilment.

BE GENEROUS WITH YOUR TIME AND MONEY. Most people achieve fulfilment by following this rule. It is never fun to go through life without being a blessing to others. If you are selfish, and refuse to help out others who are in need, one day you will realize that if and when you lose all your wealth and power, no one will come to your aid. You reap what you sow. Do good, and you will be rewarded tenfold - not in measurable terms, but in ways which leave the heart and soul feeling full and joyous.

Setting Goals The SMART Way

Having aspirations and dreams of success is different from setting up goals. Dreams and aspirations are useless if there is no chance for them being actualized. They will remain to be mere fantasies if no corresponding action is done to make them come true. Of course, these dreams and aspirations should be within the capacity of a person to accomplish or at least the circumstances can be modified.

A person cannot achieve anything significant without first setting goals. Efforts will be directionless without any intended end or aim. Similar thing can be said if the goals are too vague. An unclear set of goals is almost as useless as not having any goal. If the goals are too difficult, then they are also less likely to be accomplished even if they are clear.

Setting up goals can be guided by the simple acronym S.M.A.R.T. This is a mnemonic device was first used in the November 1981 issue of Management Review by George T. Doran. It is used to identify and define key performance indicators. The letters stand for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely or time-bound.

Sometimes the acronym is expanded to SMARTERS. The additional letters stand for E(valuate),
 R(evaluate), and S(satisfactory). The SMART mnemonic is applicable for setting goals for both organizations and individuals.

Specific: A goal must be as clear and as detailed as possible. One can start from a vague or general objective and work on the details from there. For example, a vague goal could be to lose weight. To make it more specific, the questions of who, what, when, where, which, why, and how should be answered. Hence, the previously vague goal can be re-stated as: "I will workout for health reasons at least three times a week in a gym with a qualified instructor."

Measurable: Parameters or criteria should be established that will allow for the measurement of work progress. These can also correspond to the short-term objectives that are intermediate in achieving the ultimate goals. It can also refer to the allocation of resources. Case in point, a student who is striving to become a physician must first pass the required curriculum and take the necessary board exam.

Attainable: A goal that is attainable is not necessarily easy. It simply means that there are ways which to achieve it. Efforts in terms of learning new skills or improving skills, working hard, and raising necessary resources will be needed. Oftentimes, it will also entail sacrifices. Greater efforts are needed as the goal becomes more difficult.

Realistic: This may seem synonymous with being attainable. However, realistic goal emphasizes on the level of commitment and dedication. Sometimes achieving higher goals becomes realistic because of the motivational factors involved. Being realistic also means working within abilities and external circumstances.

Timely: Goals can only be accomplished if they are time-bound. There must be a specific timetable for achieving goals. It could be days, months or years. Having a clear timetable will provide the sense of urgency and prevent procrastination. The achievement of goals become closer as every milestone is reached given a specified deadline.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

6 Easy Steps To Boost Your Self-Confidence

Everyone has a mental picture of who they are, how they look and what their strengths and weakness are. You continuously create this picture of yourself that you started to develop way back when you were young. This is called self-image.Typically, self images are based on day-to-day interactions with other people and significant life experiences. The way you picture yourself affects your self-esteem and how you look at yourself affects how other people perceive you.

The higher your self-esteem is, the more likely you'll succeed in achieving your goals. Here are some tips to help you boost your self-confidence and help you reach your full potential.

1. Know your positive qualities and embrace them. List down all your assets, skills, positive experiences, talents and all the other things that make you feel good and proud about yourself. You can also include the positive compliments that other people have given you. This list will constantly remind you of how great you are as a person and will surely boost your self-esteem.

2. Know that you are not perfect and accept it. Don't let a particular fault or shortcoming define you as person. You need to realize that you're a desirable package even if you have several imperfections. Every time you feel that your confidence level is going down the sink, look at yourself in the mirror, smile and think about the positive characteristics that you like about yourself.

3. Be thankful for what you have. When you think too much about what you don't have, you mind gives you reasons why you don't have them. This might cause you to dwell on your shortcomings and make you miserable about it. So, instead of feeling bad about what you don't and can't have, think of the things that you already have and be grateful for them.

Recall all your previous successes, great relationships, wonderful experiences and unique skills. By doing so, you will not only feed good about yourself but it will also motivate you to be confident enough to move forward and take the next steps to achieve your dreams.

4. Trust yourself. If you find yourself caught in a challenging situation, remind yourself of the problems you've faced and the obstacles you've conquered. Don't ever doubt your capabilities. Instead, take note of all your accomplishments no matter how small or big they are and let them remind you how you made it through despite your shortcomings.

5. Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Some people never speak up during group discussions because they are afraid of what people might think if they did or say something stupid. Don't mind whatever people will say about you. If you're to shy to speak up, close your eyes and think that there is no else in the room but you. Once you're getting that hang of it, open your eyes and see there's really nothing to be scared about. It also helps to internalize the importance of what you have to say. Knowing it will give you the push to share it with other people out aloud.

6. Don't be afraid to fail or make mistakes. Our mistakes and failures make us stronger. Remember that trying and failing is better than not doing anything at all. If you fail at something or made a mistake, stand up and learn from that experience and try again. Don't think that there's no room for mistakes because in life, there always is. Don't be afraid to follow your dreams.

5 Things That Could Be Stopping You From Achieving Your Goals

The New Year is coming and it is again time for most of us to set new goals for ourselves. But before you start making your list, take a moment and try to think back to your last year's resolutions. Were you able to do all of it? If not, try to remember the reasons why you failed to achieve your previous goals. Here are some of the things that might be stopping you from completing your goals to become a better person than today.

1. Fear - Most people stop pursuing their goals because they are afraid of many things. The fear of failing, the fear of being embarrassed and sometimes the fear of succeeding or change stop them from doing what they really want. The only thing that you should fear is not doing anything to make your life better.

Face your fears and free yourself from any doubts. It's the only way to live a happy and better life. When the opportunity to change knocks on your door let it in and don't initially resist it. It could be an opportunity for personal development and to motivate you to follow a new direction in life.

2. Evaluation - There are times when we lose focus on our goals because we try to evaluate the results of our efforts too soon. And when we do, we often find certain shortcomings or flaw with ourselves that make us want to give up even if we're not yet done trying. When you are trying to achieve something, you can review your progress from time to time. But if you don't see any significant changes it doesn't mean that you should give up already. But rather, it is a message that you should try harder and perhaps rethink your strategies.

3. Comparing Yourself to Others. There are some people who often end up comparing themselves based on what others are achieving. Then, they feel miserable when they see someone more successful than they are. Remember that when you try to look around you will always see people who are more successful than you. And when you do see them, don't feel bad about yourself. Instead, try to learn from them and get some ideas on how you can improve your strategies towards achieving your goals.

4. Poor Time Management - One of the most important elements of success is time. When you don't have it, how then can you expect yourself to achieve anything? Time is valuable so, don't waste any minute of it. Learn when your most productive time of the day is, then, set your agenda appropriately. Remember that procrastination is the enemy of success. So, never put off tasks that you can do now.

5. Indecisiveness - If you can't make up your mind about what you really want, you end up not achieving anything at all. Make a choice, stick with it, and never look back. You need to be very decisive on matters that concern your personal development.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Take Personal Goal Setting For Granted

Have you ever felt like your not getting anywhere in life? Or do you work so hard and yet you still end up thinking that all your efforts are not worthwhile? Perhaps, the reason why you are having these unpleasant feelings is because you are not spending enough time to think about what you really want in life and you haven't set your goals formally. Of course, anyone who sets out in a journey must know where he is going in order to get there.

Goal setting is proven to be a very powerful process in achieving whatever you desire in life. It allows you to turn your vision of your future into reality by having the right kind of motivation and knowing where to focus your efforts. Here are more reasons why you should not miss out on personal goal setting.

1. Goals give you a clear target to aim for. You cannot manifest what you want without setting concrete goals. With a clear target in mind, you will be forced to use your time and resources wisely to hit that target. Always remember that all things are created twice. First, you create something in your mind. Then, you must work on it to become reality.

2. Goals provide the right kind of motivation, desire and persistence. The biggest accomplishments in life are often riddled with obstacles and failures. This is why people don't always get what they want on the first try. If you are aiming for something significant in life, it is likely that you will be faced with different struggles before you achieve it. Thus, you need to have the right motivation or reason to move on when things get rough.

One of the main reasons why some people fall short of achieving their dreams is because they forget their reasons why they need to move forward and work harder. Having a clear set of goals allows you to remember why you shouldn't let yourself fail.

3. Goals help set your priorities. You will find a lot of diversions between where you currently are and the place where you really want to be. Other people might even tell you or influence you on where to go, thus altering your main objectives. Do not let other people determine where you should end up. Goals give you a mental framework of your priorities and help you do the right things based on these priorities.

4. Goals let you take full control of your future. Whatever goals you set in life, whether it is about relationship, work, family or health, you are creating a specific path for yourself. It means that you're putting yourself in control of your life and you're not letting anyone or anything hinder you from achieving your dreams. In life's journey, you are the driver of your own vehicle. And if your vehicle is the choices you make in life, the goals you set are maps that will take you exactly where you want to be.

5. Goals make you time bound. Its one thing to say, "I will be a team leader" and another to say," I will be a team leader in 6 months". It's like giving yourself a deadline. And by doing so, you are putting a little bit of pressure into the equation of success. Pressure is also a good motivator to work hard and see the realization of your dreams.

Teaching Your Kids the Value of Saving

Teaching Your Kids the Value of Saving

Your kids learn a lot of things from you as they grow up. They learn lessons that you specifically teach them, such as how to tie their shoes and proper study habits, as well as lessons from observing you, such as ethical principles and morals. The vast majority of the financial education that children receive also will come from their parents. Some of these lessons may be observed and others may be taught through structured or planned lessons. One of the most important financial lessons that you can teach your kids involves the importance of saving and how to save.

Why Saving Money Matters

Adults who are financially secure are those who have a healthy cash reserve in savings accounts and other types of accounts. The amount of personal debt adults carry has an indirect correlation on their savings account balance. Savings allows you to use cash rather than debt to make large purchases, to pay for life's emergencies and more. Furthermore, adults who have sufficient balances in their savings accounts are not forced to live with the stress of living paycheck-to-paycheck. Saving money helps adults to live a comfortable, financially secure life. As a parent, this is a type of life that you want your kids to enjoy.

How to Teach Kids to Save

There are several different ways to teach kids to save. You should talk to them regularly about the steps that you take to save money. The best way to save is to make small, regular contributions to your savings account. Ensure that your kids know that a portion of your income regularly is deposited into your savings account. You should also show kids the value of saving by opening up a savings account for them. Encourage them to earn money by doing chores around the house. If they are old enough, they may earn money with a side job like babysitting. Deposit a portion of their regular earnings into a savings account. Review the balance of their savings account regularly so that they can see their account balance grow with time. When kids want to make a purchase, encourage them to save up their money for it rather than hand them the money as they desire it.

Teaching kids about money, and particularly about saving money, can take a long time to do. By saving a small amount of money on a regular basis, savings account balances can grow significantly. Because of this, showing kids the rewards associated with saving money will take time and regular effort, but the benefit that your kids will enjoy throughout their adult lives will be worthwhile.
