Friday, October 29, 2010

Anxiety And Panic Attack Treatment - Is Overcoming Shyness And Social Anxiety Possible?

The regular shyness is innate to every person. This is how we were made and there's nothing we can do to eliminate this bodily response. What we can do is to control and overcome it. This can be done by the sheer force of will, determination, and distraction. 

However, people who have extreme shyness often deal with it by succumbing to their private world. 

For some people, being exposed to situations that trigger their shyness, like social functions and gatherings, may become a source of anxiety, and that anxiety can lead to panic attacks. How do you prevent that? Simple! Just find some effective ways for really overcoming shyness—it's all about will.

You're not the center of attention. The issue with shy people is their concerns of embarrassing themselves in front of a crowd. When in social gatherings and you're surrounded by people you don't know, it's important to keep in mind that they have their own businesses and reasons why they are there. They did not turn up because of you, except if you're the host. They most certainly didn't attend to watch your every move and hope that you trip or cause a huge commotion in your corner. In fact, a pack of men grouped in front of you may not even notice that you're there. Realizing that this is true can ease up some of the anxiety of extremely shy people and may even qualify itself as an anxiety and panic attack treatment.

Read:  The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook

Remember that there are other people worse than you in the room. It's a big world and you have high chances of finding someone who suck at socialization harder than you. Sure, that statement is a bit too much on the ugly side but it's true. A large number of people suffer from extreme shyness. Some of them cope with it, others can't. You're not the worst and you can still do something about your case. Having this kind of mindset can increase your confidence. By doing this, you can liberate yourself from a good part of your shyness and some of the anxiety brewing inside whenever attending social gatherings. It can prove to be a useful anxiety and panic attack treatment in the long run, not just something that helped you rid yourself from your shyness.

The person beside you is probably thinking the same as you are. Yes. He or she is shy too. Here's how you do it: stop thinking about yourself. Think that that person is feeling the same way as you are, even worse. Try to introduce yourself. Do it the very first chance you get because the longer you wait, the harder it becomes. Because that particular person is shier than you are (at least that's how you should think), take the initiative to ask the questions so you can start a conversation. Make sure you place complements whenever you think is apt and do listen sincerely with what the person is saying. When you do this, the conversation becomes natural and continuous. Furthermore, you will do that person and yourself a favor by building an atmosphere that can make its way to become an anxiety and panic attack treatment.

If these methods do not work for you, it is probably time that you get additional help and support in overcoming shyness. Perhaps medications will do the job but if you're too skeptical with them, natural treatments are available in the form of programs or courses written in books, e-books and recorded in audio and visual CD. Such a program offers easy to follow methods to cope with such problems. You don't have to relive your past or undergo expensive therapies with it. It will teach you new information on how to solve your problem. It's very straightforward and this is the perfect natural anxiety and panic attack treatment.

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Long-Term Weight Loss Success Tips

One thing that a lot of people might want to change is the way they look. If you would like to lose some weight but you have not been able to succeed in the past, there are a few easy things that you can do. The first step to getting the body that you have always wanted is to simply eat less food. Another thing that you need to do is to develop a regular workout routine. Consistency will be the key to your success. If you have not been able to lose weight in the past, you'll see that a few minor changes will be all the help that you need.

One major mistake that a lot of people do is they simply over eat. They do not realize that it can take about 20 minutes for your body to tell you that it is full. This means that you'll not realize that you ar full until about 20 minutes after you actually are. This causes people to over eat all of the time. You do not have to stuff yourself each meal. If you can simply consume less food, that will be the first step towards your weight loss goals. You do not have to make dramatic lifestyle changes and you don't have to starve yourself. This is one reason why a lot of people gain weight. They do not realize that only eating a little bit less food each meal will make a big impact way for a while.

Another thing that you should do in order to get the body that you desire is to develop a regular workout routine. A regular workout routine is a lot easier if you're having fun while working out. One great suggestion is to add a portable music player to your workouts. A portable music player will allow you to have more fun while working out because you'll be able to listen to your favorite songs. Most people do not even realize that this is an option because this technology has not been around for long. It was not all that long ago that you could not even listen to music while you ran. Portable music players are a great investment if it will help you to get out the door on a more regular basis.

If you have tried many things in the past to get in shape, you'll see that making these minor adjustments can be all the difference. You do not have to make dramatic lifestyle changes in order to get the body that you have always wanted. You can simply eat less food and workout on a more regular basis. Walking for an hour a day will begin the process of getting back in shape and speeding up your metabolism. Once you make this apart of your everyday routine it will greatly benefit your mood as well as your weight, it does matter whether you walk earlier in the morning, afternoon or early evening. Your body will begin to progress at a natural rate and this progression will be a lot healthier than crash dieting. Start slow and make subtle changes to your diet, like cutting back on the junk food, soda and incorporate more water in your diet.  Increase your fruit and vegatable intake and decrease your bread and pasta intake.  Eat meals in smaller proportions and spread them out throughout the day with a few healthy snack.  Instead of the potatoe chips eat apple slices as an alternative.  These changes will not only help your weight and your health but also your wallet. If you are a smoker or drinker cutting back will help you lose weight quicker. It can be hard to keep up the consisitency, so to help you stay motivated find a partner or partners that are on the same plight you are guaranteed success, with the right team you can always win. You do not have to go out and work out rigorously right off the bat either. Consistency will allow your body to progress at a healthier rate. In order to keep the weight off for good, you'll want to begin to develop better habits. Working out regularly and eating the right amount of food will be the key to your long-term success.



Self Improvement Starts with Making Decisions

Copyright © 2010

There is a great gap between hoping and wishing for a change to occur in your life, and aggressively pursuing the decision to initiate change in your life.

You remember your New Year resolutions? These are not decisions, they are the products of wishful thinking. People who indulge in wishful thinking will probably not succeed in initiating change in their life. They believe that if the wishes come true they will become happier but the chances that that will happen are quite small. The odds are about as great as winning the lottery.

Decisions are quite different. A person who makes a decision is fed up with his current conditions and is willing to take steps to actively get what he or she wants. He or she is ready to do his homework, maybe consult a professional, create a plan of action, and then proceed to undertake extensive and consistent steps to make changes. Decisions require 100% of our commitment. We also have to be ready to make follow-up steps regardless of the demands on us.

Our current status in life is based on decisions we pursued in the past, or maybe the lack of it. Some people flit about from lackluster decision to bad decision or perhaps even dodge making decisions altogether. Such people find their lives have turned out not to their satisfaction but should realize that they could get the best out of their lives if they only chose to make the decision to change. It all starts with one decision.

For those who start changing their lives positively and reap greater success and happiness, they can rely on coaching programs, seminars, audio programs and self-improvement books to help them through the process of change for example this great program the Super Mind Evolution Program Click Here!
Also another great program The Self Confidence Creator Click Here!

The people who maintain control over their minds and their emotions are the ones who are the most fulfilled in this life. Such people have a conditioned response to make decisions - after they have decided, they do not reconsider their decision. Such people are always looking for ways to improve themselves and are aware that regardless how good they think they are, there is always room for improvement. Such people know that happiness and fulfillment is based on their consistent growth and contribution based on self-improvement ideas.

There is power behind a truly committed decision. This is a key self-improvement idea. But most of us find it hard to stick to a decision since life is a struggle to change our lives and steer our ship to the harbor we are looking for.

Take control of your decisions so you can take control of your actions. A truly committed decision allows you to devote your energies to the outcome in your mind that you are devoted to.

Free 21 day prosperity course and a web site with self improvement books and courses also offering some free books.



Saturday, October 16, 2010

4 Awesome Ideas For Finding Inspiration

I love how inspiration can come into my mind when I least expect it.

On the other hand, I dislike how I have to struggle to find inspiration when I need it. Finding inspiration may be easy for others, but if you find yourself constantly looking for it, then maybe it's time you searched for it instead of waiting for it to come find you.

Here's how:

1. P.E.P. People, Experiences, Places

These are my top 4 sources of inspiration, and these include but are not limited to:


Art (galleries, photos, sculpture, etc.) and writings (books, blogs, journals, magazines, etc.)

Music and science

Life impact, underdog stories

Meeting new people, seeing new places and basking in life's experiences are the greatest sources of inspiration. It doesn't always have to be some grand experience, nor a fabulous cross country trip or a famous person. You can get the most extraordinary stories from ordinary people and things, right?

2. Solitude

While sharing your experience with others can also help you find more inspiration, so does solitude. Alone, you can focus your mind and body, which can allow you to tune in to your surroundings, your thoughts and your life.

What I really love about solitude is, it lets you notice some of the things that you would have missed if stuck in a busy, noisy environment. Finding inspiration may just come when you're relaxing your mind and sharpening your senses and solitude is a place where we can find time for reflection and deep thinking.

3. Role Models

We all have role models.

What does your role model do that make you look up to him or her so much? Is it their excellent ideas, how they handle a situation, the steps they take to overcome hardship, their ability to lead and complete great things?

Make sure your role models align with the areas in your life that you are passionate about, because it's important to determine whether they are the source of inspiration that is most important to you right now. Are they truly impacting you with inspiration that matters to you and not just because of their social influence?

4. Experience sharing

Finding inspiration becomes a lot easier when you are actually talking about it doing that and talking with other people. I believe that looking for inspiration can be a lot easier when other people bring those stories to you directly in conversation.

Simply sharing one inspiring story with a friend can spark them to think of their own inspiring messages too. It builds a stronger relationship where you can continue to share the inspiration and drive each other to find more. Actually, sharing stories of meaning and value are also a best way to learn new things and inspiration as well!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Debt Consolidation - Your Poor Credit Can Be Overcome

If you have poor credit and are looking for ways to consolidate your debt you may be in for a small challenge before you can get a handle on your financial situation. There is a chance that you are already facing the reality of poor credit if your loan payments are delinquent or you are besieged with debt. Though your credit rating may have been quite good at one point,a difference in your circumstances may have affected your financial situation and allowed you to fall behind. As a result you may have found yourself labeled as a poor credit rating.

Finding a loan with a reasonable rate may be difficult to find. If your one of the many that is drowning in your debt, finding that life saver called debt consolidation may elude you because of your poor credit rating. If even making your minimum monthly payments has you struggling then debt consolidation may be one way to handle your payment problems. Credit card consolidation is one solution to getting a grip on your financial hardship.Combining several high rate cards into one low rate card is one way to consolidate credit card debt, though it will be difficult finding a lower rate card if you have a poor credit score.

A manageable consolidation loan may be another option, however be aware of over extending yourself just to overcome a short-term financial hardship. Due diligence is essential when it comes to debt consolidation because your poor credit could make the situation worse. Many options are available to consolidate debt even if your credit rating is less than optimal. Legitimate ways include using home equity or your vehicle as collateral if needed. Watch for the sneaky types who derive great satisfaction in preying on consumers with credit problems. These unscrupulous dealers are opportunity seekers and see bad credit as good fortune for themselves.These scavengers look for people that are dealing with poor credit because they realize that big lenders will turn away people with bad credit.

A person with a poor credit rating is often desperate and these dishonorable financial scavengers can lead their victim to a financial hazard. There is a possibility that you will be able to find a favorable unsecured loan allowing you to consolidate several debts into one payment plan. Take it upon yourself to read the fine print of the loan agreement and understand completely what is in the contract that you are signing.

An advantage of an unsecured loan in your debt consolidation plan is that your valuable property will not be impacted by your loan. When difficult times have hit you, a debt consolidation loan can help to improve your financial situation. Understand that debt consolidation may be difficult for those with poor credit. Therefore it is especially important to choose a consolidation loan or program very carefully and be sure you know what you are signing before you sign the contract.

Having trouble sleeping because of credit problems? You only need to invest in one credit repair solution, so why not use the best? CHECK IT OUT



Sunday, October 3, 2010

Simple Steps to Improve Your Self-Esteem and Confidence

Self-esteem is the way you regard yourself according to your worth and value. You cannot be fully happy in life if you do not have enough self-esteem and confidence in your abilities. Confidence is essential for healthy living.

Without self-esteem, you will feel depressed, unhappy, and insecure all the time. You will always disapprove of the things you accomplish. You will not seem to do anything right, thus making you stumble and fall in your every endeavor.

Improve your self-esteem and confidence. And do it now. Achieve it by following these simple steps.

Read: Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny!

1. Don't let your fears overpower you. Face your fears. Fears are not as bad as you think they are. You will definitely boost your confidence if you effectively face your fears and eventually conquer them.

2. Learn from your mistakes. It is okay to fail. Just make sure you learn the lessons from these mistakes. Then, you won't make the same ones anymore. Learning from your mistakes will also make you wiser and stronger when you face future challenges.

3. Assert yourself. Know what you want and work up the ways to get it. You can make your dreams come true. Do what it takes to reach your goals and materialize your dreams.

4. Reward yourself. You need to approve of yourself because if you don't accept yourself, no one else will. Find ways to reward yourself when you achieve desired accomplishments.

5. Ask and know. If there is anything that you feel uncomfortable with, ask yourself why. Then deal with it. Do what it takes to rid yourself of that discomfort that you feel. Only then will real confidence show.

6. Do not allow yourself to fail. Failure happens when you let yourself be defeated. If you continue standing every time disappointment happens, you are not beaten yet. But if you stop fighting, that's where it ends. You won't get the confidence and the self-esteem you need if you stop the fight and fail to prove to yourself that you can do it.

7. Get help. There are a lot of good materials and people that can help in increasing your confidence. You can even get the help of a professional. Either way, if nothing seems to go right, there are other ways designed to aid you.

These are very simple things you can do to improve your self-esteem and confidence. These are good, effective tips. Follow these and you will see how you can boost your confidence up to the maximum level possible.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Diet Plans And Menus - The Fit For Life Diet

The Fit For Life Diet was created by Doctor Harvey Diamond and is based on the principles of natural hygiene. About half of your food intake comes from raw fruits and vegetables. The theory is that raw foods contain unaltered enzymes, which are destroyed by heat during cooking. Giving a place of privilege to raw foods provides your body with extra energy from proteins and carbohydrates. Here are some of the principles.

Eat at least as much raw food as cooked food. Eat a lot of fruit. According to Doctor Diamond fruits are the most indispensable part of our diet. They contain fiber, are rich in glucides or fructose, and provide energy. Furthermore, they constitute the only foodstuffs that need not be digested by the stomach. Eat only fruit (or drink freshly prepared fruit juice) for breakfast. They help the body eliminate waste, a morning activity. Don't eat too much. Give your body enough time to digest food. For example, wait half an hour after eating fruit, 90 minutes after salad, and three hours after cooked food. Drink your fruit juice slowly and don't eat anything after seven o'clock, anything except fruit. It's better not to drink coffee but if you must, eat a piece of fruit 15 minutes before your coffee. Don't mix starches and protein in the same meal. One day a week you eat only raw food. Reduce your consumption of dairy products.

An advantage of the Fit For Life Diet is its ease to follow. But it is quite strict; you may be hungry. Fruits simply cannot keep you full for a long time. If you don't have enough dairy products your system may lack zinc, calcium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D.

Here are two sample menus: Menu 1 Breakfast: A glass of water. An apple. Two kiwis. Mid-morning snack: An orange. Lunch: Grated carrots. Pasta with butter. Zucchini. Mushrooms. Supper: Tomato juice. Green salad containing tomatoes and asparagus. Mixed vegetables.

Menu 2 Breakfast: A glass of water. Home made fruit salad. Mid-morning snack: A few pineapple slices. Lunch: Potato salad with onions, parsley, and mayonnaise. Supper: Green salad. Spaghetti with tomato sauce.

Some information in this article comes from a fascinating new book, La Bible des Regimes, written by Jenny de Jonquieres and published by Amerik Media. Her book describes over 80 diets and weight reduction programs. Each diet is presented with 5 menu plans, a detailed discussion of its advantages and disadvantages, and lots more. La Bible des Regimes is available only in French at present.

Levi Reiss authored or co-authored ten computer and Internet books, but would rather drink fine French, German, or other wine, paired with the right foods. He loves teaching computer classes at an Ontario French-language community college. Visit his Italian travel, wine, and food website his wine, diet, health, and nutrition website

