Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Practice of Patience

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In today's fast paced world of instant gratification, people want results... and they want them yesterday! If we want to watch a certain TV show, we just pull it up on Hulu or YouTube. If we need directions to a store we would like to visit, we can just open a mapping application on our smart phones to search for the store, and voila - we'll have the address, phone number, and directions using GPS from our current location. The pictures we take on our digital cameras can be reviewed just seconds after taken. Fast food provides us with our desired snack at almost any time of day, after driving only 20 feet from the microphone to the window. Want to purchase a song you just have to have at 10:00pm? Just visit iTunes to download all your desired music, DVDs and more right to your home computer at the click of a button.

With all the immediate gratification that we've become accustomed to, it's no wonder we have trouble with patience. Patience... practically a foreign word to many of us, this virtue has become almost lost amidst the clamor and clutter filling the spaces in the culture that we live in. According to Wikipedia (an instant-gratification online encyclopedia), patience is defined as, "the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties." Patience is comparable to the characteristics of someone who is steadfast, who endures without giving in to negativity. Sounds like a tall order, doesn't it? But how much more would your soul be satisfied if you could master the art of patience?

Consider for a moment the true, deeply satisfying feeling you might enjoy if you took the road less traveled and practiced the art of patience. By working towards becoming a person who is willing to wait for God's blessings in your life (whether it's a job, a husband, a wife, a diagnosis or a cure), you would be able to enjoy true inner peace in the midst of adversity. Rather than being imprisoned by "what if" thoughts related to your desires for the outcome, your mind could be set free to focus instead on the present moment. You could enjoy the journey that you are on along the way instead of only investing your heart in the destination you are so desperately seeking. Life's guarantee is that there will constantly be change. So many circumstances are out of our control. When we have done everything we can to positively affect our current situation, the point at which we surrender our hearts to trusting God with the outcome is the moment we can begin to enter into a place of peace.

The reason I'm calling this "the Practice of Patience" is that I believe it's a skill that we must learn to master, while simultaneously unlearning the expectation for immediate results that the world has conditioned us to desire, and even crave. Begin the first step of your practice by closely monitoring your thoughts. Are you consumed by thoughts of your desired outcome? Acknowledge your anxiety and then engage in dialogue with God about your desire to trust and surrender your will in the situation. Gently guide your mind and heart towards a perspective of satisfaction with the present day you are in. Write down the blessings that you are grateful for each day to begin appreciating the gifts you're being given as you wait in patience for the results you desire.

Dawn McIntyre, Professional Spiritual Intuitive, is an expert in leading men and women into higher states of expansion and beauty consciousness. Join her on the Boldly Beautiful exclusive member's community at for daily interaction and guidance in manifesting your beautiful life, from the inside out.



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