Saturday, November 27, 2010

Credit Repair Efforts That Count

Opening Fresh Revolving Accounts

The number one most effective credit repair strategy for anyone that has been through a period of bad credit is opening fresh revolving accounts. Nothing can rocket your scores upward, faster and farther, than a couple of new credit cards. Why does this work so well? It seems that FICO is ready and willing to reward those who prove that they are capable of a successful reentry into the world of credit. Of course you need to manage those new accounts properly. Example: Take your tax return and open up a secured credit card account, this will present a good opportunity for you to build a new payment history. Another example is to take that tax return deposit it in the bank and take out a loan on it make timely payments on it and then pay it in full. Both these will add an enormous boost to your score.

Managing Your Balance to Limit Ratios

Once you have your new accounts open you must resolve to manage them in a meticulous manner. And this involves more than just making your payments on time, although that too is critical. As urgent is the way you manage your balance to limit ratio. This is the relationship between your balance and your account limit as they are reported to the credit bureaus. For credit repair purposes you should try to use less than 20 percent of the available limit.

Becoming an Authorized User

Another phenomenal credit repair technique that is capable of producing dramatic credit score improvement is the tried and true method of becoming an authorized user on a credit card that belongs to a friend or family member that has excellent credit. The key to success, and the factor that will determine how much of a score boost you get, lies in three criteria: the age of the donor account, the payment history, and the way that the donor manages their balance. The best accounts will be older than three years, have never had a late payment, and have a consistently low balance.

Stomping Out Bogus Collections

A phenomenon that has grown into a virtual plague in recent years, and one that can be effectively contained by credit repair, is the prevalence of inaccurate collection accounts. These accounts may include debts that were previously paid or settled but have somehow come back to life and often referred to as zombie debt or zombie collections, debts that belong to another person, and even those resulting from identity theft. These can be challenged and removed through credit bureau disputes and debt validation under the FDCPA.

Scrubbing Errors

And let us not forget the most traditional, reliable, crowd-pleasing mainstay of credit repair, the credit report clean up. This amounts to sending letters to the credit bureaus to challenge all of the derogatory information that you believe to be inaccurate. Credit reporting errors are massively common, and for many people a few months of disputes can cause a near complete credit report transformation. Patience may be called for, as the bureaus can be stubborn and may put up unfounded resistance, but stand your ground, repeat your efforts as needed and you will be amazed at the results.

Consulting an Expert

When it comes right down to it, you may be best off hiring a credit repair service to guide you through the credit maze, and to manage the more mundane day-to-day tasks involved in the process, like sending and resending the dispute letters to the bureaus. Credit improvement can be critical to your financial well-being and must be done properly. If you find yourself confused or at a loss just reach out for help.View your Credit Score, Your Auto Score, Insurance Score, Employment Score and Your Future Score

Copyright © 2010.

Knowing your Score can help you reach financial goals sooner. 7-Day Free Trial.



Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Loving Plea

As the holidays grow near we all know that this time of year brings an increase in crime, drinking and driving.  We all like to enjoy the holiday season although some of us enjoy more than others, I emplore those who are party goers to be careful in your actions. And friends of those that may party just a little too much be a friend and be their designated driver.  There is always an increase of death around the holidays with majority of them being by car accidents.  Just recently here in Philadelphia there was a five car pile up on the expressway and just this morning in my neighborhood a young man stole a mini van and crashed damaging to other vehicles.  

Now, the turned over vehicle was stolen from a nearby neighbor, there were three victims in this situation, the woman who car was stolen and the two owners of the vehicles the stolen car hit. Now the driver of the stolen car got away and as far as it is known unharmed. Now this could have be a very deadly situation had there been people on the street 5:30 am today when this vehicle came barriering around the corner.  Was the young man under the influence or was he stealing the van for a joy ride no matter, three lives were change and three peoples holidays will be affected. The young man ran and left the seen of the accident, all those who witness the young man get out of the vehicle and run only one person got involved and gave a police statement. 

Let's avoid the dangers that come with drinking and driving, lets respect the rules of the road and each other.  Stop running stop signs, stop riding above the speed limit, use your turn signals, don't drink if you do not have anyone to drive you home.  No amount of partying is worth the guilt you will have to live with if you take a life.  As a victim of someone else lack of respect for the rules of the road, I am blessed to still be among you.  Be mindful of the life you may take from someone else, be thoughtful of the children that me be in someone elses car.  Let's be our brothers and sisters keeper!

The Life you save maybe your own!

Enjoy your holiday and let everyone enjoy theirs!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Practice of Patience

Copyright © 2010 `

In today's fast paced world of instant gratification, people want results... and they want them yesterday! If we want to watch a certain TV show, we just pull it up on Hulu or YouTube. If we need directions to a store we would like to visit, we can just open a mapping application on our smart phones to search for the store, and voila - we'll have the address, phone number, and directions using GPS from our current location. The pictures we take on our digital cameras can be reviewed just seconds after taken. Fast food provides us with our desired snack at almost any time of day, after driving only 20 feet from the microphone to the window. Want to purchase a song you just have to have at 10:00pm? Just visit iTunes to download all your desired music, DVDs and more right to your home computer at the click of a button.

With all the immediate gratification that we've become accustomed to, it's no wonder we have trouble with patience. Patience... practically a foreign word to many of us, this virtue has become almost lost amidst the clamor and clutter filling the spaces in the culture that we live in. According to Wikipedia (an instant-gratification online encyclopedia), patience is defined as, "the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties." Patience is comparable to the characteristics of someone who is steadfast, who endures without giving in to negativity. Sounds like a tall order, doesn't it? But how much more would your soul be satisfied if you could master the art of patience?

Consider for a moment the true, deeply satisfying feeling you might enjoy if you took the road less traveled and practiced the art of patience. By working towards becoming a person who is willing to wait for God's blessings in your life (whether it's a job, a husband, a wife, a diagnosis or a cure), you would be able to enjoy true inner peace in the midst of adversity. Rather than being imprisoned by "what if" thoughts related to your desires for the outcome, your mind could be set free to focus instead on the present moment. You could enjoy the journey that you are on along the way instead of only investing your heart in the destination you are so desperately seeking. Life's guarantee is that there will constantly be change. So many circumstances are out of our control. When we have done everything we can to positively affect our current situation, the point at which we surrender our hearts to trusting God with the outcome is the moment we can begin to enter into a place of peace.

The reason I'm calling this "the Practice of Patience" is that I believe it's a skill that we must learn to master, while simultaneously unlearning the expectation for immediate results that the world has conditioned us to desire, and even crave. Begin the first step of your practice by closely monitoring your thoughts. Are you consumed by thoughts of your desired outcome? Acknowledge your anxiety and then engage in dialogue with God about your desire to trust and surrender your will in the situation. Gently guide your mind and heart towards a perspective of satisfaction with the present day you are in. Write down the blessings that you are grateful for each day to begin appreciating the gifts you're being given as you wait in patience for the results you desire.

Dawn McIntyre, Professional Spiritual Intuitive, is an expert in leading men and women into higher states of expansion and beauty consciousness. Join her on the Boldly Beautiful exclusive member's community at for daily interaction and guidance in manifesting your beautiful life, from the inside out.



Friday, November 19, 2010

How To Make Up After A Bad Fight - Best Advice For Struggling Couples

Ever wondered how to make up after a bad fight?

Your heart feels like a lead weight in your chest. You've just had a terrible fight with your partner and you want to know how to make up after this fight and get rid of that sick feeling inside.

The first thing to do is take a good look at what happened. What was your fight really about?

Sure, on the surface it might seem like you're fighting over a lack of money or maybe one of you lost a job recently and around the holidays this can cause couples fighting to escalate.

But maybe there's something else even more deep seated - something that stems from painful childhood memories or a remark that triggered a painful memory from a previous relationship gone bad?


See if you can talk it out - find and pinpoint the root cause of your fight.

Doing this can bring out more understanding and compassion for each other.

Example: Feeling abandoned or neglected.

This is often a root cause for many a relationship meltdown.

Another example - do you feel inadequate in some way? Or your partner does? Having feelings of inadequacy can lead to frustration and low self-esteem.

Yet another example is feeling left out or taken for granted in some way. Do you include each other each other's lives?

Think about it, if one of you is really feeling this way - this could definitely be a root cause and needs to be brought out in the open and discussed in a loving and caring way.

Get real and get it out in the open. If you or your partner are feeling any of these feelings for more than just a little while, chances are good you'll be repeating the same argument later on.
If you can do this, you greatly improve your chances of making up after a bad fight.


Take responsibility for your part in the argument. Are you guilty of losing your temper? Are you afraid of losing control?

Whether we realize it or not, we humans tend to want to manipulate situations and the people closest to us to get the problem or fight resolved rather than facing things head on.

Admit to your part in the fight without blaming yourself or your boyfriend/girlfriend. Then you might be able to start communicating more clearly and create a new beginning.


When you find a way to apologize for the fight or breakup (even if you don't believe you started the ball rolling) chances are your partner will want to meet you half way and apologize also.

Let your loved one know that you never meant for things to get so out of hand.

Let them know you really want to avoid bad fights in the future.


Don't hold back when it comes to talking things out. Being bitter or hurtful isn't going to solve anything...just like holding a grudge that never gets spoken.

Holding grudges can make you sick.

The last thing you want is to hold back and not communicate your real feelings...including the fact that you were angry and why.

It's important to get it out...but it's the way that you do it that will make all of the difference.

Chances are, your partner has some things to tell you that you might not want to hear or deal with. The best way forward though, is to deal with your issues because you don't want to grow further apart.

It's time to hone your listening skills...really listen to what the other person is saying and do your best to understand where they're coming from.

Bottom line - if either one of you is still unhappy after patching things up...if there are issues left unspoken or's not going to be good for your relationship in the long run.


This is a crucial point. If you wait too long to get back together after a bad fight it's only going to be harder as more time goes on.

Don't feel like your relationship is doomed because you had a bad fight or a few of them in the past.

Just about every couple has fights now and again - these are growing pains and are bound to happen.

The best advice is to learn from each fight that you have. What's the big takeaway? Did you have a communication break through?

Did you get closer afterward? What can you promise for each other?


Bottom line is a relationship is a two way street. When you're with a partner, you have more than just your own feelings to consider.

Remember that as a couple, when your feelings are hurt - it hurts your partner...and when your partner's feelings are hurt - it hurts you.

Don't allow a bad fight to come between you permanently...especially if your love is real. Your love is more important than any argument or misunderstanding.

When you put your love first, any reasons for fighting become secondary.

With the stresses that our modern lifestyles bring, it's easy to get stressed and end up taking it out on the people closest to us.

Be mature, compassionate and be a good listener when you come together for the first time after a fight.

When you do this, making up after a bad fight will be that much easier. You'll both discover you're on your way to a happier more fulfilled relationship - when you can figure out the main issues and tackle them together.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Facebook Layouts and Facebook Backgrounds

Using alternative Facebook layouts can jazz up your Facebook Profile or Wall, and there are many of these online for to choose free of charge. Be careful in your selection, though because not all are free and you could find yourself faced with a bill.

There are large numbers of different designs of Facebook layouts available, ranging from animal themes, thru nature to music, abstract and science themes. Which you choose is up to you. The way they work is very simple: you simply log on to the site involved, choose your theme and download the activation software. Then all you need do is to choose your theme and then click to activate.

Hey presto! Next time you open your Facebook page you will find your theme already uploaded and already making your Facebook page a lot less boring than it was before. If you already have Facebook running when you activate the Facebook layout then either click 'refresh' or reload Facebook. If you can't see a refresh button, right click with the cursor anywhere on your Facebook page and look for 'refresh'.

The same procedure also works for Facebook backgrounds.

If you use Firefox, and have some Firefox windows running, you will likely be asked to close these before the activation button will operate. Once all your Firefox windows have been closed, simply click on 'Activate' and the Facebook layout you have downloaded will be applied to your Facebook page.

There is nothing else that you have to do. You can download a number of different layouts and change them whenever you feel like it simply by activating the new styles. The old one will be deactivated and the new Facebook layout will take its place. You may decide to use a nature theme one day and then change to a sci-fi theme of stars and space ships the next. If you like animals you could have a dog sitting up at each side of your Facebook page or a pair of cats or even penguins.

You can literally use a new design each day to project your mood or your personality. This is a great way achieving this. Such visual changes to your Facebook Profile makes your page stand out, and projects you as an independent soul that can project their own personality on their Facebook page. It is purely a psychological change but it can make a heck of a difference to your kids when they show off their new Facebook layouts to their friends. They will love you for it.

Not only that, but if you are using Facebook in your business as a promotional tool, it will be much more powerful if your page stands out from the rest through your imaginative use of Facebook layouts and Facebook backgrounds. You can even design your own - it is fairly simple to do so, again by means of templates, and then you will truly have a unique Facebook page or Profile that will enable you stand out from the crowd.

Further information on changing your Facebook layouts is available from Facebook Layout where you will also find information on Facebook Login to help you get into your Facebook account when you have problems logging in.



Thursday, November 11, 2010

Stress Relief - How Can Exercise Help You

Something that we have heard and known for the majority of our lives is that we need to exercise. Some of us may need this in order to lose some weight while others may have health issues that can be corrected to a certain extent with exercise, such as high blood pressure or high cholestorol. Believe it or not, however, if you are having problems with stress in your life, and the majority of us are, exercise is one of the things that can really help you to reduce that stress. How does it do this? Let me answer.

There are actually several different ways exercise can assist you in getting rid of your stress. The easiest to identify are the endorphins that are released into your body whenever you exercise regularly. These chemicals help your body to feel good, both physically and mentally. As a matter of fact, some people exercise regularly, simply to get the effects of the endorphins and the mental calming that comes over them as a result. In order for you to experience this for yourself, you need to exercise at a high level for a minimum of 20 minutes. Your body will then be flooded with these feel-good hormones and you will see your stress reduced immediately.

Another way that exercise can help with your stress levels is because exercise helps to balance the body to a certain extent and balance is what many of us are missing in our lives. If you exercise every day, or at a minimum of five days a week, you're going to not only look better, you are going to feel better. This is something that will be recognized easily, both mentally and physically. Make sure that you are getting the proper amount of exercise and your entire life will be in balance as a result.

Of course, we also may have a bit of stress because of the way that we look, especially if we are carrying around additional weight. The unfortunate thing is, it can be very difficult to lose this weight but if we are exercising, it will be much easier. When we start to feel better about ourselves and the way that we look, we will also feel as if we are able to take on the world. Since many of us are walking around with the world on our shoulders, it helps to be able to lift the load.

Stress kills. When it doesn't - it smothers your life! If you read the article above you owe it to yourself to see one of the most successful forms of stress reduction. CLICK HERE.



Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Stress Therapy - 3 Things That Will Instantly Reduce It

How would you like to be able to get rid of your stress instantly and easily ? Here is a bit of stress therapy talking about a few things that you can do which will help you to be able to achieve a peaceful mental attitude that will really lower your stress levels and help you cope with the day as it comes to you. Of course, these are not going to be permanent solutions to the problems that you are facing but they will be able to help you to sort those problems out and to deal with them, one at a time.

The first thing that you can do to reduce your stress levels is to meditate regularly. I find that meditating in the morning for a half hour can really help me to get ready for the day and to deal with it successfully. If you don't have the benefit of time in order to meditate in this way, you might also find that simply meditating for a few minutes periodically throughout the day will also help to reduce your stress as well. All you really need to do is to close your eyes and go to some place in your mind that is peaceful. That peace will stick with you and help you to cope with any stressful situations you are facing.

Something else that I like to do regularly is to laugh a little bit. This is not always something that is going to be convenient for us to do, especially if we are in the middle of work but if we can find a way to let out the stress through laughter, it can work to almost instantly reduce your stress levels. I like to keep comedy CDs in my car so that I can listen to them on the way home from work. This helps to reduce my stress and keeps me from taking the stress from my work into my home environment.

One final thing that you can do which helps to reduce stress instantly is to use acupressure. The two acupressure points that help to reduce your stress are located directly between the eyes, in a soft spot above the nose and an additional soft spot on the crown of the head. By applying light pressure to these two regions for 30 seconds, you will help to restore a flow of energy in the body that will reduce your stress instantly.

Stress kills. When it doesn't - it smothers your life! If you read the article above you owe it to yourself to see one of the most successful forms of stress reduction. CLICK HERE.



Monday, November 8, 2010

Diet Programs And Meals - The L. A. Shape Diet

The L.A. Shape Diet was created by Doctor David Heber. This diet is based on eating lots of fiber, fruits, and vegetables. You will evaluate your own need for proteins. You'll drink a mixture of soy milk or skim milk with fruit, and nutritional powder including protein. Each of the two steps lasts seven days. In the first step the drink replaces two daily meals, and in the second step it replaces one daily meal. Here are some of the principles.

The L.A. Shape Diet is quite different for women and men. Dr. Heber recommends that women consume 100 grams (approximately 3 ounces) of protein a day as follows: 30 grams at breakfast and supper provided by the protein drink, 25 grams in the mid-afternoon snack, and the rest at dinner from fish or poultry. The recommendation for men is 150 grams of protein a day as follows: 35 grams at breakfast, 20 to 30 grams in the mid-afternoon snack, and 50 to 75 grams at supper. The morning and supper protein drinks are different. If you are hungry you can add protein powder to the drinks. You prepare the drink by mixing soy or skim milk, protein powder, fruit, and ice. Protein powder is available in various flavors. The diet includes a detailed list of snacks and food per day during each of the phases. During the second phase the menu differs for women and for men. Drink a lot of water or green tea. Eat fruits and vegetables according to their colors. Fight against stress, which often incites people to eat when they aren't hungry. This diet places a lot of emphasis on physical activity.

An advantage of the L.A. Shape Diet is that the menu is fixed; you won't spend time deciding what to prepare. A separate program for men and women may be more effective than a single one destined to meet the dietary needs of both sexes. On the other hand, it's not easy to prepare the protein drink. You may find it inconvenient to drink a lot of liquid in the morning. Furthermore the program lasts only 14 days and provides no transition or stabilization phase.

Here are two sample menus:

Menu 1 (Week 2, day 3 for women)

Breakfast: Protein drink or 7 egg whites. A slice of whole wheat bread. 1 fruit.

Lunch: Protein drink or avocado, vegetable, and turkey salad.

The mid-afternoon snack is a cup of red fruit.

Supper: Soy chili. Green salad. A red apple.

Menu 2 (Week 2, day 3 for men)

Breakfast: Protein drink or 7 egg whites. A slice or two of whole wheat bread. 1 cup of mixed vegetables.

Lunch: Protein drink or avocado, vegetable, and turkey salad. A slice of whole wheat bread. A slice of cantaloupe.

The mid-afternoon snack is soy pudding.

Supper: Soy chili. Green salad. A red apple.

Some of the information in this article comes from a fascinating new book, La Bible des Regimes, written by Jenny de Jonquieres and published by Amerik Media. Her book describes more than 80 diets and weight reduction programs. Each diet is presented with 5 menu plans, a detailed discussion of its advantages and disadvantages, and lots more. La Bible des Regimes is presently available only in French.

Here is a great website with resources, information, videos for advice and support visit The Diet Solution Program, Click Here!

Levi Reiss authored or co-authored ten computer and Internet books, but would rather drink fine French wine with friends. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Visit his Italian travel, wine, and food website and his global wine website a weekly review of $10 wines and new sections writing about and tasting organic and kosher wines.



5 Essential Screening Tests Every Woman Should Have

Nowadays women are quite alert about the kind of diseases they can get. They are now getting some tests done to prevent diseases. Any late detection can cause death and serious implications.

Cholesterol is a factor which has been perturbing women for many years. Women who have higher levels of bad cholesterol in their diets can get heart disease. So, the incidence of this disease can be found by doing a lipid profile.

Even women are quite prone to type 2 diabetes. This disease happens in obese women. In fact, the blood glucose can be measured after two hours have elapsed since breakfast had been consumed. Now, the vulnerability to this disease decides the frequency of the tests. Frequency of the tests can be as high as 2 years after the age of 45 if the woman is fit. But, this frequency can be higher when the woman is not fit and has disease running in the family.

Osteoporosis is an ailment that affects a large number of women. This ailment makes the bones of a woman quite weak. It happens due to bone loss. This bone loss happens in any woman after the occurrence of menopause. So, the right test which can help in the detection of this ailment is Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. When the ailment osteoporosis is detected, it can help in avoiding any kind of bone fractures caused due to it. I fact, all kinds of women whose ages are more than 65 years, should opt for this test. This test should also be done by women who are not 65 yet if they have such disease in the family.

Colorectal cancer can also happen in a woman. So, colonoscopy can be done to find the occurrence of this ailment. This ailment can be detected by using both the camera and a tube which is poked inside the rectum. The screening tests for this ailment can be done after a woman has turned 50 years old. Another kind of test which can be used to reveal this ailment is sigmoidoscopy which only involves checking the downwards colon section.

Glaucoma can also have serious affects for women. This ailment can also cause blindness when optic nerve is completely destroyed. People who are more than 50 years old can get this disease. It can also happen when there is a legacy of this disease. Even consumption of steroids can cause it. It's important that women who are fit should have done the tests after every two years. For people, who are between 40 to 54 years of age should have the tests conducted after one or 3 years. The frequency of tests can be more when the age of the woman is between fifty five to 64. The frequency can be as high as 6 months to 1 year for women who are aged more than 65.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Single Parents and Money Management-Tips for Balancing A One Income Household

In this day and age, the concept of single parenting is no longer new and doesn't raise many eyebrows. What does raise the eyebrows, however, is the prospect of raising children in a one income household without losing all your hair or gnashing your teeth. In order to make less money go farther, it is imperative that the single parent remain vigilant over the family's spending and saving habits. In order to get it all done it is also very likely that it will be necessary to enlist the help of the entire family. With a lot of planning and some discipline, it can be done.

If you are a single parent, then you must formulate and stick to a strict monthly budget in order to ensure that your family's needs are met in a way that does not do your family a financial injustice in the future. Take a look at your expenditures and set aside money each month for each and every necessary item. In order to save for bigger ticket items, look for ways to trim your budget in non-essential areas such as entertainment. You don't have to eliminate entertainment altogether. Instead, look for low cost or free ways to entertain yourself and your family. For example, trips to the library and the park don't cost a thing and create happy memories. Maybe rent a video for a $1.00 from the movie boxes in the local supermarket or simply reading books together opening up their imagination and creativity.

Another important habit of the successful single parent is to clip, organize and use coupons for most, if not all, purchases. Check weekly advertisements before going shopping each week and look for ways to use your coupons. In order to make your coupons more effective, get a coupon organizer and arrange your coupons by type and expiration date. Take your coupons with you every time you leave the house. That way, you will never run into the situation of paying full price because you need the item now even though you have a coupon at home.

It is important that a single parent explain to their kids about proper money management. It may be tough saying no to some things because you just can't afford them, but in the end, kids need your time and attention more than they need stuff. If you teach your kids that money is a tool and also teach them how to use the tool properly, then the upshot of single parenthood might just become kids who become fiscally fit grownups. Who knows, they might even appreciate you for it!

Jackie writes for Cash Choice UK who are a faxless payday loans company. They believe that a
faxless payday loan
should only be used intelligently to bridge a financial gap from time to time.

