Thursday, October 27, 2011

Knowing Your Value

One of the biggest marketing mistakes is one that is so insidious that it's invisible to most of us. In speaking with thousands of Independent Professionals over the years I've asked this question: "Do you think you're getting paid what you're worth?"

And never, not once in twenty two years, has anyone said, "Yes, I am." Everyone feels they are not getting paid what they are worth, and yet almost nobody does anything about it.
Even if I gave you a dozen strategies to raise your rates or to repackage your services for higher value, you'd likely have a problem doing it because your "wealth thermostat" is set at a fixed position that always springs back to where it was.

Your wealth thermostat is set for the amount of income you feel comfortable earning in a year. Perhaps it's $50K or $100K or 200K or $500K per year. And anything much beyond that level is not only uncomfortable to you, it's downright scary.

Do any of the following statements seem true to you?

• You see money as a scarce commodity that's hard to get more of (no matter what you earn).

• You think people that make more money than you do are morally inferior to you (even while you envy them).

• You find it hard to invest in yourself (workshops, books programs). Investments always looks like expenses to you.

• When you make good money you tell yourself that it won't last or that it's not enough. The glass is always half empty.

• You feel virtuous when you work hard and do a good job, but feel a little (or a lot) guilty when you charge a high fee.

All of these are symptoms of a scarcity mindset. And for some reason, most of us seem to be afflicted with it to one degree or another. Having money naturally flowing into our lives easily and effortlessly is a foreign concept to most of us.

Starting to Value Yourself

What can you do to start moving from a scarcity to a sufficiency or abundance mindset? There are a lot of ways, and I won't pretend that you can change your whole money mindset overnight, so I want to focus on one simple thing - what you actually charge your clients.

What you're going to do is change the settings on your wealth thermostat. It's a simple, 5-step process that won't take long and will help you shift your perception of the value of your services.

1. Make a list of the things you have helped your clients with. This should be a long list that includes everything you can think of.

2. Narrow this list down to just five clients that you had the most success with and try to estimate the actual value each client received from you. Make it as tangible as possible.

3. Next ask yourself, given the actual value that each client received, what would be a fair price for your services? How does this compare to the price you actually charged?

4. Now take this new, fairer price that's based on real value provided and double it. So if you originally charged $1,000 and a fair price would be $2,000, then write down $4,000.

5. Then do this exercise out loud (with yourself or a friend): What's your price for this project? You: The price for this project is $4,000. Repeat several times over a period of time until it feels natural and easy to say it.

The next time you quote a price at the real value of $2,000, it will seem very reasonable, if not downright cheap. You will have shifted your wealth thermostat and it will feel much more comfortable charging higher fees.

Not only that, the prospect will show less resistance in paying those fees. As this new wealth setting becomes a reality for you, it becomes a reality to others.

Try it, it works!

The More Clients Bottom Line: You're as wealthy, successful and as valuable as you think you are. Before you earn more money, you need to believe you are worth more. Change your wealth thermostat and money will start to come more easily, with less struggle.

Need to Take Back Control of Your Life? Stop Complaining!

Everyone falls victim to complaining every now and again. That's why "venting" is such a popular pastime! However, if you genuinely believe your life isn't what it should be, complaining isn't going to help.

Excessive complaining makes everyone uncomfortable. Think about someone you know who complains a lot. Chances are you try to avoid him - and other people do too. The last thing you want is to be "that guy" - the guy no one wants to talk to, for fear he'll launch into a complaint rant.

So, what can you do to stop complaining and get your life back on track - instead of letting it control you?

First, you need to understand that complaining is a bad habit - much like biting your nails or picking at a scab; all it does is make things worse. Complaining may even be something you do without thinking, because it's become such a habitual part of your life.

Many people start complaining because they've created a bunch of negative thoughts in their own heads. They realize they're making their feelings of anger or frustration worse, so they try to get rid of it all by complaining.

Instead of falling victim to those negative thoughts, make a conscious effort to get rid of them. Promise yourself that you're not going to let some negativity define who you are. Remember, your entire demeanor is based on what you think!

Similar to the way a healthy diet can help your waist line, healthy thoughts can help your demeanor. If you truly want to take control of your life and be happier, you can't feed your mind negative thoughts. Instead, you have to understand you're in control of those thoughts - and let them go.

But how do you let things go?

If you're in the midst of a bunch of negative thoughts, simply letting them go can seem a whole lot easier said than done. Here's how you can do it:

- Relax.

Read a book, take a bath, or do anything else that'll calm you down. If you can't relax right away, that's OK. Understand that it took time for you to build up all of these negative thoughts and complaints and it'll take time for them to go away. As long as you remain dedicated to relaxing, you'll win the fight!

- Believe in yourself.

You can be your biggest critic or your biggest supporter; the choice is up to you. If you make a mistake, accept responsibility for it and then let it go. If you dwell on it, the negativity and your complaining will never go away.

- Surround yourself with positive things.

The more positivity you're around, the easier it'll be to let it naturally become part of your life - instead of always falling back on negativity. If you steer clear of negativity, eventually, all of those bad habits will turn into good ones. Like any addiction, the more you feed your complaining habit, the more it'll take over your life. For example, if you and a certain friend always get together for drinks and wind up complaining to each other, stop going out for drinks.

- Stop blaming others.

Everyone will place blame on someone else from time to time, but blame isn't going to make you feel better. Instead, deal with problems and move on. Again, you'll have to work hard to remove all of the negative feelings.

If you make a serious effort to stop complaining today, you could wind up with a whole new you tomorrow!