Thursday, October 27, 2011

Knowing Your Value

One of the biggest marketing mistakes is one that is so insidious that it's invisible to most of us. In speaking with thousands of Independent Professionals over the years I've asked this question: "Do you think you're getting paid what you're worth?"

And never, not once in twenty two years, has anyone said, "Yes, I am." Everyone feels they are not getting paid what they are worth, and yet almost nobody does anything about it.
Even if I gave you a dozen strategies to raise your rates or to repackage your services for higher value, you'd likely have a problem doing it because your "wealth thermostat" is set at a fixed position that always springs back to where it was.

Your wealth thermostat is set for the amount of income you feel comfortable earning in a year. Perhaps it's $50K or $100K or 200K or $500K per year. And anything much beyond that level is not only uncomfortable to you, it's downright scary.

Do any of the following statements seem true to you?

• You see money as a scarce commodity that's hard to get more of (no matter what you earn).

• You think people that make more money than you do are morally inferior to you (even while you envy them).

• You find it hard to invest in yourself (workshops, books programs). Investments always looks like expenses to you.

• When you make good money you tell yourself that it won't last or that it's not enough. The glass is always half empty.

• You feel virtuous when you work hard and do a good job, but feel a little (or a lot) guilty when you charge a high fee.

All of these are symptoms of a scarcity mindset. And for some reason, most of us seem to be afflicted with it to one degree or another. Having money naturally flowing into our lives easily and effortlessly is a foreign concept to most of us.

Starting to Value Yourself

What can you do to start moving from a scarcity to a sufficiency or abundance mindset? There are a lot of ways, and I won't pretend that you can change your whole money mindset overnight, so I want to focus on one simple thing - what you actually charge your clients.

What you're going to do is change the settings on your wealth thermostat. It's a simple, 5-step process that won't take long and will help you shift your perception of the value of your services.

1. Make a list of the things you have helped your clients with. This should be a long list that includes everything you can think of.

2. Narrow this list down to just five clients that you had the most success with and try to estimate the actual value each client received from you. Make it as tangible as possible.

3. Next ask yourself, given the actual value that each client received, what would be a fair price for your services? How does this compare to the price you actually charged?

4. Now take this new, fairer price that's based on real value provided and double it. So if you originally charged $1,000 and a fair price would be $2,000, then write down $4,000.

5. Then do this exercise out loud (with yourself or a friend): What's your price for this project? You: The price for this project is $4,000. Repeat several times over a period of time until it feels natural and easy to say it.

The next time you quote a price at the real value of $2,000, it will seem very reasonable, if not downright cheap. You will have shifted your wealth thermostat and it will feel much more comfortable charging higher fees.

Not only that, the prospect will show less resistance in paying those fees. As this new wealth setting becomes a reality for you, it becomes a reality to others.

Try it, it works!

The More Clients Bottom Line: You're as wealthy, successful and as valuable as you think you are. Before you earn more money, you need to believe you are worth more. Change your wealth thermostat and money will start to come more easily, with less struggle.

Need to Take Back Control of Your Life? Stop Complaining!

Everyone falls victim to complaining every now and again. That's why "venting" is such a popular pastime! However, if you genuinely believe your life isn't what it should be, complaining isn't going to help.

Excessive complaining makes everyone uncomfortable. Think about someone you know who complains a lot. Chances are you try to avoid him - and other people do too. The last thing you want is to be "that guy" - the guy no one wants to talk to, for fear he'll launch into a complaint rant.

So, what can you do to stop complaining and get your life back on track - instead of letting it control you?

First, you need to understand that complaining is a bad habit - much like biting your nails or picking at a scab; all it does is make things worse. Complaining may even be something you do without thinking, because it's become such a habitual part of your life.

Many people start complaining because they've created a bunch of negative thoughts in their own heads. They realize they're making their feelings of anger or frustration worse, so they try to get rid of it all by complaining.

Instead of falling victim to those negative thoughts, make a conscious effort to get rid of them. Promise yourself that you're not going to let some negativity define who you are. Remember, your entire demeanor is based on what you think!

Similar to the way a healthy diet can help your waist line, healthy thoughts can help your demeanor. If you truly want to take control of your life and be happier, you can't feed your mind negative thoughts. Instead, you have to understand you're in control of those thoughts - and let them go.

But how do you let things go?

If you're in the midst of a bunch of negative thoughts, simply letting them go can seem a whole lot easier said than done. Here's how you can do it:

- Relax.

Read a book, take a bath, or do anything else that'll calm you down. If you can't relax right away, that's OK. Understand that it took time for you to build up all of these negative thoughts and complaints and it'll take time for them to go away. As long as you remain dedicated to relaxing, you'll win the fight!

- Believe in yourself.

You can be your biggest critic or your biggest supporter; the choice is up to you. If you make a mistake, accept responsibility for it and then let it go. If you dwell on it, the negativity and your complaining will never go away.

- Surround yourself with positive things.

The more positivity you're around, the easier it'll be to let it naturally become part of your life - instead of always falling back on negativity. If you steer clear of negativity, eventually, all of those bad habits will turn into good ones. Like any addiction, the more you feed your complaining habit, the more it'll take over your life. For example, if you and a certain friend always get together for drinks and wind up complaining to each other, stop going out for drinks.

- Stop blaming others.

Everyone will place blame on someone else from time to time, but blame isn't going to make you feel better. Instead, deal with problems and move on. Again, you'll have to work hard to remove all of the negative feelings.

If you make a serious effort to stop complaining today, you could wind up with a whole new you tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Always Have Hope

Copyright (c) 2011

Life always seems have it's ups and downs. Sometimes we get caught up in the whirlwind of life and we don't know how to stop and get off. Situations occur, relationships come and go, jobs change, people move away, people pass away, and people get beaten down by life in general. Some discover outlets that relieve their stress such as church, friends, meditation, vacations, hobbies etc. Others find their stress level temporarily relieved by taking drugs, speeding in their cars, fighting, arguing and various harmful and negative actions. People may find themselves lost and without hope. While concentrating on living they are just in a survival mode. When people live as if their life is empty and without hope then the human condition takes over. Our ego is grounded in this world. It focuses on worldly desires in order to feed itself to become more ego-driven. The more a person lives his/her life with their ego in control the less they will feel connected to spirit.

Having a spiritual connection means having a connection to God, our power source. We came here to live a spiritual life in a human body. There are many situations that occur on earth in which we can learn powerful lessons that will spiritually elevate us here and after we pass away and live in our spiritual bodies. We will encounter many hard and sometimes profoundly difficult lessons and our job is to learn from each and every person and situation that crosses our path. We're all connected because of our humanity and because we all came from the same power source. Instead of living our lives in isolation or sometimes always in competition with others we should live our lives in harmony. The term harmony feels foreign to some people but it can bring happiness and love into your life.

There is a simple way to bring love, hope, charity, compassion and truth into your life. Take the time to be still and to be quiet. Take the "busy" out of your life. Find a time during your hectic schedule to devote to yourself. I usually find that the best time for me is in the very early morning hours before people are awake. The world outside is quiet and I can hear the birds chirping. If it's easier for you, then close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nostrils then slowly out through your mouth. Do this until your breathing has a rhythm and it helps you to relax, clear your mind and focus from within.

Then visualize the white light all around and through you. You may also at this time visualize the divine light of forgiveness for you and for others. This light of forgiveness is deep purple with sparkles of gold that looks like glitter. Take the time to experience this. Then ask God for peace, understanding, truth and integrity, compassion and empathy, and unconditional love for yourself and for others. Be still and ask for guidance and protection as you live out your day. Help other souls through kind deeds no matter how small it may be with a smile, kindness, a nice gesture and patience. Ask for the gift of not judging others because each of us has our own path to walk in this world with our own experiences and lessons.

See the world from your higher self or from your higher consciousness. And remember the universal truth that whatever goes around comes around. Whatever you do, think, or say comes back to you no matter if it's positive or negative. Our words can never be erased. Be careful and thoughtful as you live your life here. Live your life with gusto. Learn to have a positive outlook on life. When you are good with yourself then you will be good to others. Peace, love and happiness to you and keep hope alive!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers - Kent/Sussex Counties


DSHA offers a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program for DSHA-approved private rental residency. This program, offered in Kent and Sussex Counties, offers housing subsidies to eligible low-income individuals and families to rent existing, privately-owned dwelling units from participating landlords. The Delaware State Housing Authority administers 902 vouchers.
How To Apply
  1. Make sure you (the tenant) meet all tenant requirements.
  2. Call a DSHA Contact to begin the application process.
  3. You may download an application DSHA Public Housing / Section 8 Application
  4. or you can use Delaware State Housing Authority's Online Application process for assisted rental housing.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011



AGES 17-21 AT TEMPLE UNIVERSITY! shared via Tiffany

Bacon...Temple University YEP program - ages of 17-21 who

do not have a High School diploma. it's not a GED program.

When complete they will have a diploma and a graduation

ceremony. They get paid for it. CALL TAMIKA BUTLER (215)

204-1219. Youth Employ Program. They will lose their

funding if they don't… get enough people . Help educate

some young sisters or brothers by passing on this info.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

We Owe It To Our Children To Teach Them Money Management

Life can be interesting. When things happen in our lives, we see them one way, but God sees them in a totally different light.  One example of this can be our children. For some their children were "accidents," or unplanned. Yet, they were part of God's plan from the beginning. Each of us has been designed by God with a purpose. This is not to say that we don't love our children dearly. My children are the best thing that ever happened to me. But we do need to look carefully at how we handle the responsibility at hand.

Understanding the responsibility

When God gave us our children, He gave us a huge responsibility. Remember, as Christians, we don't own any of our "possessions". Everything God has given us has been entrusted to us to take care of for awhile. It is an awesome feeling to think about the fact that God chose each of us personally to be responsible for the children that He has blessed us with. That means that God knows our abilities and trusts us to properly guide these little people in a way that will help them discover and live out their own purpose.

We cannot take this responsibility lightly. In fact, it is part of our own purposes. If we don't nurture our children properly and provide them with a strong foundation, they may never do what God designed them to do. Our own attitudes toward this responsibility can slow the advancement of God's Kingdom.

Attitudes toward money

There are so many lessons we can share with our children. In the area of finances, we should help them develop a proper attitude toward money. They should see us give money its appropriate place in our lives. While money is an important tool that we do use in our daily lives, it should never be a focal point for us. We cannot allow our children to see us fall victim to a life where money has become our god. We belong to a jealous God. We cannot serve two gods. Let's show our children how to live strictly for the one, true God.

Spending habits

With respect to spending, we should live within a budget so that we are not spending more than we are making. We should stop trying to keep up with the Joneses and truly live within our means.

If we use credit cards, the monthly bill should be low enough for us to pay it off in full each month. We should also work toward eliminating our current debt obligations and teach our children not to get into financial debt with credit cards by teaching them to use them responsibly. These are simply examples of some of the most common struggles in every household. We should look carefully into our own households to determine our own challenges.

The pattern will continue

Our children are watching us. Whether they say something or not, they absorb every action that they see us do in front of them. As adults, they are highly likely to develop the same habits that they observed growing up.  Have you ever found yourself doing or saying something, only to realize that you reminded yourself of one of your parents? I know I have on many occasions. We can all think back to our own childhoods and see some of the habits we've picked up from our parents. The interesting thing about it is that we do many of those habits without thinking. If it happened to us, it will happen to our own children.

Will we be happy with the habits our children carry into adulthood? Are they habits that we are proud to have passed on to future generations? What changes, if any, should we make to ensure that we will be both happy and proud? It is never too late to learn new habits, so start learning new ones with your children, practice makes perfect.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Why Celebrating Other People's Success Is Important For Your Own Success

If we want to be honest about it, I think one of the most challenging things that people in general face is the ability to be genuinely happy for other people's successes. You may ask then what is being 'genuinely happy'?

Well, I think if you are genuinely happy you will not start to feel like you are inferior to them, or feel that life is unfair to you, or that you think they do not deserve successes, or perhaps secretly hope that their successes will be short lived. These feelings you experience do not make you a bad person, you may be the sweetest and most sincere on this planet, but somehow you can't help feeling this way towards other people when they achieve success.

In this world we live in we have been taught the concept of lack in almost all aspects of life. And that lack is normal, and competition is the only way to go if one wants to succeed in anything. These limited teachings have sabotaged the most sincere person time and time again.

So how do we move out of these sabotaging feelings and thoughts in the face of someone else's success? I personally think it is important to remain still within your heart and mind and not allow yourself to mind trip. And then look at how they have achieved success and ask yourself what can you learn from them? This will open up opportunities for successes immediately because you will be lifting the negative shades off your view of them and you will genuinely feel happy for the other person because you have become excited about your next move towards your goal.

From another perspective (someone actually said this!) you might say that it sounds a little selfish to be happy for someone only because you know that you will personally gain from it. From my perspective, I believe that we are all one and that since there is only ONE source of abundance, what I experience in others is what I can experience in myself.

So be joyous and truly celebrate the successes of other people, whether big or small. This will break the limitations you have placed on yourself and certianly open doors of opportunities for greater success in your own life. I wish you success in all of your future endeavours.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


The Section 8 Waiting List will be accepting applications beginning April 26, 2011 to May 2, 2011. The website will be available 24 hours each day during the application process.

Application Process

The application process will be conducted by Internet at . No paper applications will be available. - Sec 8 Waiting List Application Process

The Section 8 Waiting List will be accepting applications beginning April 26, 2011 to May 2, 2011. The website will be available 24 hours each day during the application process.

Friday, March 4, 2011

JewelMint - Sponsored Post

JewelMint - Sponsored Post
Kate Bosworth's jewelry site says my style is 'effortless beauty'

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Chobani Yogurt - Sponsored Post

Chobani Yogurt - Sponsored Post
Wow, I have already lost weight...I recommend you eat 1 daily, I do! It taste great! RT to all fitness lovers!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Top Tips For Money Problems

We all have money worries from time to time irrespective of how much we earn or how little we earn. Everything is relative when it comes to money problems no matter who you are where you have come from. The key to financial problems is to act quickly and not let your debts spiral out of control. The tips below will help you develop a plan for the New Year ahead and financial freedom.

The first issue to consider when your debt get on top of you is to face the reality and work out the size of the problem. We often know where the problem lies whether it is with our overspent credit cards, our increasing bank overdraft or the large personal loan we recently acquired. No matter what the reason for your money problems you need to find a solution now. Start by going through your bank and credit card statements and any bills to find out how much you owe.

1. Draw up a list of money that you have coming in and the money you have going out each month. Make another list of the amount you owe each of your creditors for your credit cards, loans, and bank account.

2. You should now have a true reflection of the state of your finances and you can start setting yourself a realistic budget for the months and year ahead. Do not decide on a budget that you know will not work as this will certainly lead you to failure. A debt problem tackled early is a debt problem solved.

LearnVest Money Center.Start Making Progress On Your Money.Set Up Goals & Budget. Start Today!

3. Check your credit report. This is your personal credit history of your finances, from credit cards and loans to mobile contracts. It provides you with a profile of your repayment history and who you owe money to. You will see how you're coping with your finances as it lists the payments made and the payments you have missed along with any defaults, arrears or CCJ's (County Court Judgments) you have incurred. When did you last check your credit report is in good health? To see your credit report for free for a 30-day trial from FreeCreditScore. Always know what's up (or down) with your Credit Score with smarter alerts, Check your Score FREE!

Get Your FREE 2016 Credit Score from!

4. Take a long, hard look at your spending and find ways to save. If you have any Insurance policies, broadband contracts, telephone accounts, Gas and electricity accounts then you should be using price comparison websites to find the cheapest and the best value for money deals around. Price comparison sites provide an easy solution to reduce your household bills. Consider other cut back on everyday spending by making packed lunches, walking or cycling to work and braving the office coffee machine.

5. Cash-back websites offer you money back if you use their websites to obtain a product. But, only use them if they offer you real saving after you have checked with the price comparison websites for the best deal. Remember Price Comparison sites are biased to the companies that they recommend as they are paid for their recommendations. This site really pays!

6. Increase your chances of getting a low-interest rate deals for your mortgage or a loan by improving your credit rating. lenders use the information from our credit report to access the interest rate that they offer you. Lenders base their lending interest rates on how risky they feel lending you money will be.

7. Never miss, skip or delay a monthly payment to a finance lenders - the evidence stays on your credit file for three years and gives lenders the impression that you are unreliable. If you are having trouble finding the money, then always talk to your finance lender as soon as possible and see if you can negotiate terms you can afford.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is Your Poor Credit History Hindering You From Getting a Loan?

Is your poor credit history hindering you from getting a loan? This should not be a problem nowadays. Many lenders are coming up with loan packages for such a situation. This makes the credit market open to all people even those that have poor credit ratings.

The poor credit loan is a welcome development for people whose credit worthiness went down due to unforeseen circumstances and now wants to rebuild credibility in the business circles. Giving them access to credit, people with poor credit score can avail of a loan and will have an opportunity to make up for lost ground of their financial status. They can now enjoy the same privilege of having access to loan facilities whenever there is a need. However, a poor credit loan has some limitations. It may satisfy your present need but it may not be enough to meet your growing financial needs in the future. That is why people should not be contented with their present credit standing and should work hard to improve their credit scores in order to increase their credit worthiness ready for any bigger financial needs that may crop up in the future.

One limitation of the poor credit loan is the loan amount. Because of the poor credit history of the borrower, the lender would be hesitant to risk big amount of money to him. The loan amount is usually smaller and limited to the amount of the collateral for secured loans. The borrower must also be judicious in specifying the amount to be borrowed keeping it within affordable limit or within his budget in order not to default on his monthly payments and be on track in rebuilding his credit history.

Another limitation of poor credit loan is the higher interest rate. Lenders usually charge higher interest rates to make up for the high risk exposure of their money to people whose reliability to pay is still to be proven. Borrowers with low credit score will pay the price for having such status in terms of high interest rates that lenders will charge them. But of course, the borrowers can shop around and look for companies who can offer better deals and relatively low interest rates. It will be best to start gathering information regarding loan rates from their bank. The bank will surely be willing to extend help to their clients in meeting their financial needs. If your bank does not have services to cater to your particular situation, at least they can make some recommendations what to do.

Being granted with poor credit loan is a significant breakthrough to your way of re-establishing a good credit record. Do not let this opportunity slip from your hands. Remember, that bigger challenges in life are sure to be encountered in the future. Don't be tied up with limited options. You need to boost your credit worthiness so that when more financial needs arise, you will have better options to meet these needs. Aim to settle your debts at the earliest possible time then you will enjoy the peace of having financial freedom.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

3 Basic But Very Important Self Defense Tactics

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, safety and security is one of the most important needs people have; and is second only to our physiological requirements. This may refer to various things. It could be the need to save up for the future, have a house to live in or emotional stability. It can also mean physical safety, protecting ourselves from bodily harm and injuries. This is one of the reasons why people need to learn basic self defense tactics. You can never be too sure of your surroundings and the people who move around you. You may live in the best neighborhood or work in an area which has a low crime rate but there is still a chance of being harmed by another person. Here are some easy ways of learning the most fundamental self defense.

Be Alert at All Times

This is one of the things that experts in self defense teach. Whether you are riding in the subway or walking down the street for lunch, there is a possibility that bad guys are watching for an unwitting victim who may be an easy target for robbery.

It is a natural instinct to run away when someone is chasing you. Keep your eyes and ears open at all times. Don't panic. Panic may inhibit you from remembering any effective self defense tactics you have learned. Do your best to practice what you have learned so you can readily use moves should you need them.

Ask For Help

Believe it or not, those who are skilled in self defense tactics do this first. Most movies would depict heroes doing all the fighting themselves. However, most of what you see in films is fictional and exaggerated.

In real life, you don't know who you are dealing with. You don't know what weapon they are carrying. Most of the time, these thugs can easily overpower you with their strength and skill. Screaming for help can do a lot in deterring an assailant and calling attention to your situation.

Hit Them Where It Hurts

If it does come to a point where you are grabbed, figure out where you can injure your assailant. If you were seized from the back by a man, try to hit his groin area. This type of hit should cause immense pain that will result in your assailant releasing or loosening his grip on you.

If your assailant has long hair, huge jacket, or anything else that may be grasped at, do so. This may be your only hope of getting away. Of course, doing this would require great preparation on your part as well.

Another essential object in self defense is to carry a weapon at all times. Most muggers carry some sort of weapon to threaten their victims with. Be resourceful. If you are wearing high heels, take them off and use that for self defense. You can't run in them anyway. You can also purchase a pepper spray for protection.

The truth is you do not really need to know the complicated parts of self defense tactics. You need not be a master in self defense like Bruce Lee or any of those martial arts guys. The most important thing is to be observant and ready to act.


For more information about combat self defense tactics and Self Defense , please visit

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Help for Women

Wherever we look, we are bombarded with features about young Models and what they wear and a lot is issues in today's society deal with help for young women. If we look around, we find very little information that concern the mature woman. Very few weekly or monthly publications deal with issues concerning the mature woman.

Yet, in her 50s or 60s, a woman can no longer be considered old, fifty is the new 30 and so it goes on. This however depends largely on whether a woman allows herself to think on these lines. If she thinks she is young, she'll have a young outlook and be very 'with it' in every area of her life, if not then she is in danger of going down the negative thinking route.

The important issue in the above topic is that today a woman does not need to feel old, simply because with the advent of information overload, she has the world pretty much in her hand. There is no limit to the possibilities facing mature women today, be it interests that can be followed on and off line, hobbies that can develop into full time jobs and businesses , the list is endless

All it takes is a little courage. This is why I hope to encourage mature women to go out and seek information, to fill their life with meaningful things, gain self-confidence, look smart and be empowered whether in a relationship or just in life itself.

It is always up to the individual to take the first step, get up, get help if necessary but never to waste the best remaining years of life. So many women have proved this and never looked back and so many too are often stuck in a rut with a belief that there is no way out. There always is but………… it has to start with the individual herself to make the first move.

Often after facing difficulties, it is so easy to resign and slip into an abyss which can lead to depression and it can be so very difficult to emerge from this.

It is my aim to encourage older women to live a happy enriched life, to follow their dream, to believe in their abilities and to make the most of their looks. It is amazing how much confidence a simple change of appearance can give a woman not to mention that it can lead to a lot of other possibilities and a belief in herself.

It takes courage and that is what I aim to achieve, to encourage women to follow their dreams after many years of giving and putting other people first or working in a demanding job during the best years of their life.

We live in a time which offers huge possibilities for doing things, learning new skills, changing careers whatever your age, it just means, we need to take advantage of these possibilities and make the most of the life we have left to make it a wonderful experience.


Helping mature women to make the most of life, appearance and opportunities. Check this out: Mature Women


Friday, January 14, 2011

Free Daily Devotionals - Sponsored Post

Free Daily Devotionals - Sponsored Post
Grow Your Faith! Spend 5 minutes each day reading God's Word with free online Daily Devotionals.