Friday, May 20, 2011

Why Celebrating Other People's Success Is Important For Your Own Success

If we want to be honest about it, I think one of the most challenging things that people in general face is the ability to be genuinely happy for other people's successes. You may ask then what is being 'genuinely happy'?

Well, I think if you are genuinely happy you will not start to feel like you are inferior to them, or feel that life is unfair to you, or that you think they do not deserve successes, or perhaps secretly hope that their successes will be short lived. These feelings you experience do not make you a bad person, you may be the sweetest and most sincere on this planet, but somehow you can't help feeling this way towards other people when they achieve success.

In this world we live in we have been taught the concept of lack in almost all aspects of life. And that lack is normal, and competition is the only way to go if one wants to succeed in anything. These limited teachings have sabotaged the most sincere person time and time again.

So how do we move out of these sabotaging feelings and thoughts in the face of someone else's success? I personally think it is important to remain still within your heart and mind and not allow yourself to mind trip. And then look at how they have achieved success and ask yourself what can you learn from them? This will open up opportunities for successes immediately because you will be lifting the negative shades off your view of them and you will genuinely feel happy for the other person because you have become excited about your next move towards your goal.

From another perspective (someone actually said this!) you might say that it sounds a little selfish to be happy for someone only because you know that you will personally gain from it. From my perspective, I believe that we are all one and that since there is only ONE source of abundance, what I experience in others is what I can experience in myself.

So be joyous and truly celebrate the successes of other people, whether big or small. This will break the limitations you have placed on yourself and certianly open doors of opportunities for greater success in your own life. I wish you success in all of your future endeavours.

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