Sunday, January 22, 2012

Does Loving Yourself Improve Your Self Confidence?

When you have low self-esteem or self-confidence, many times it is because you do not love yourself the way you should. Loving yourself is not a conceited type of loving. It is just accepting the good and bad of who you are without putting yourself down.

Today, it is difficult to do this sometimes, because of pressure from others to be a certain way. At work, you have to act and perform a particular way. When you go home, you have to be another way. Sometimes you cannot keep up with it all, and you get down on yourself and feel you are failing. To feel like this a little bit is normal, but if it makes you not love yourself, it is time to do something about it.

Advantages to Loving Yourself

There are advantages to loving yourself enough and some of them are:

1. You look at yourself in a positive light.

2. You think you can do anything you set out to do.

3. You are nice to those around you because when you like yourself, it is easier to like others.

4. You carry yourself confidently through your day and this even makes others know that you are not afraid.

If these 4 things sound like you, then you love yourself. You most likely also do not suffer from low self-confidence.

Disadvantages of Not Loving Yourself Enough

There are disadvantages to not loving yourself enough and they are:

1. You would only think negatively about yourself.

2. You would be afraid to go after your dreams, because you would automatically think you would fail.

3. You tend to lash out at others when it is really yourself that you have a problem with.

4. You walk into a room sheepishly because you have too little self-love, which leads to not enough self-confidence.

Do these last 4 things sound like you? If they do, you need to start loving yourself more. You probably also have low self-confidence.

Since you now know that self-love and self-confidence go together, what are you going to do about it? Look in the mirror first thing in the morning, and tell yourself 3 things you like about yourself. Write down your attributes. If there are things you think need improving then just set forth to do so, instead of being down on yourself for them. Above all else, stay positive about who you are. You are a good person worth loving! Believe this it is true. When you do, you can do anything! Self-confidence will no longer be an issue you will have it. You will be able to go after your goals, knowing you have the power to attain them.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Attack Your Debt Problem And The Rest Of Your Finances Will Come Under Control"

Individual finances and debt are not some thing that everybody really likes to sit down and think about. If you face the problem of debt head on, you are more likely to tackle the debt that you've piled up over the years. If you take the time to take many viewpoints into consideration, you are going to be able to develop a resolute plan to get your debt level paid down, and potentially even satisfied. The following criteria will help you develop a strategy to get on the road to debt-free living.

Getting organized is going to help you form a solid strategy to pay down your debt. Get out the statements for all of your debts to make a tally. Categorize the different types of personal debt on different spread sheets. Put your credit cards on one, loans on another and any other debts that you may owe on a third. Once you have this all arranged and separated, you will have a better concept about where to get going.

There are very few folks that like the sound of living on a budget and that is why so many individuals across the country live on credit cards and accumulate such a steep level of unsecured debt so quickly. You need to make a budget to live within your means. Carefully calculate how much you need for the minimum repayment of the month-to-month bills and find out how much money you have left after those expenses are paid. You must be sure to measure about how much you're going to need for fuel, food and any medicines. After everything is added up, you then have the total that you must set aside each month. Just about anything that you have left over could be used to pay extra toward credit cards or mortgages.

Non-essential spending are something that needs to be slashed if you're trying to lower your debt. If you don't have the cash in your pocket to buy it and you do not "have to have" it, do not buy it. Cutting the non-essentials out of your budget will go a long way toward paying debt.

Even though you're trying to pay down your financial debt, you ought to still do your best to attempt to set aside money for unexpected emergencies. If you're capable to set some money aside, you will have the cash to fix the car or truck, fix the air conditioner or pay for a doctor's appointment without putting it on a credit card.

If you have a number of lenders, you may want to think of checking with them to probe as to whether they would lower your interest. The worst thing that can occur is that they could say no..

There are some financial institutions out there that are ready to work with you so you can stay on top of things and are going to lower your rate a point or 2. It is fairly easy to determine which debt to pay off. You may want to commence with the highest interest lender. The more you cough up toward this request for payment each month, the quicker it is going to get paid since you're paying toward the principle, not simply the interest. If things aren't going as well as contemplated, you might choose to modify your personal debt pay-off plan. You should also adjust it if you see that a lender has increased the rate of interest on your statement. Organization, planning and discipline are going to go a long way in assisting you efficiently take care of your personal debt. Using the concepts that were given to you above will encourage you attack your unsecured debt and take control of your own personal finances bringing you just one step nearer to the financial future that you wish for.