Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Are You Stuck In A Rut Like The Rest Of The Human Race?

Ever get those momentary twinges of the here-we-go-again reminding you your life is in a rut? The whole of humanity is stuck in a rut. Yes, humanity has been stuck for generations. 

Reality's holographic nature demonstrates that if we are individually intrinsically stuck, reflecting the microcosm, then this will in turn reflect the bigger picture, the macrocosm, how we are stuck in our ways on the group planetary population level... 

It's not just about the changes needed to take us out of this long withstanding rut. The human race needs to wake up to the profound realization that there's a planetary crisis and engage in making the necessary changes needed for our survival: Let's talk about thriving at a later date!  How do we go beyond this apparently endless hopeless state we've been in as a race for so many generations and triumphantly move on?  

Could the answer lie in what keeps us stuck? 

Like that caged pet hamster we've been running inside the wheel going nowhere fast for far too long. We're stuck on just about everything under the sun! We only need to avert ourselves of our blind spots and look at the big picture to find this out. Here's a list of some of those things we as a race have been deceptively stuck on over the centuries. 

Money and Religion

I have put money and religion together since in many ways they go hand in hand. The invention of the monetary system by the ruling elite has served to enslave the human race on the physical level. While the other mind control programme religion enslaves us on the spiritual.  


Money as an enslavement is more so now than ever when considering the extent of the banks' debt-based monetary system. So, essentially you have a planet full of people made up of poverty, debt, wage and consumerism tail-chasing slaves... 


Originally, humans wanted to find ways in which to address what they didn't understand; spirituality and their relationship with the spiritual and God. Then came along the shamans, prophets and priests acting as spiritual guides... However, certain people in high places soon realized that religions could be used as a mind controlling tool to enslave the masses for power, profit and political gain.  Religion, because of its mind controlling has become potentially very dangerous. -Atheism, the antithesis of religious fundamentalism can also be described as a by-product of religious mind control. Atheists don't realize they too have been manipulated: Atheism is the 'no religion' religion.  


Millions of dollars had been poured into education by the world's ruling elite with their organizations such as the Carnegie Foundation and Rockefeller Institute. The purpose? To produce a system that basically serves to indoctrinate the masses from the beginning in infants' schools then right through to the end at Universities.  With its carefully selected curriculum, after someone completes their education they would have been programmed and brainwashed, many up to their eyeballs, ready for the next stage, to fit into the prepared boxes; into jobs to serve the corporations...  

This is why organizations such as Carnegie and Rockefeller put in the time, effort and money in the first place, to get the masses to fit passively into those boxes and work for their corporations. 

Anyone who sees outside the box, seeing the far greater humanitarian alternative that undercuts the corporation's greed-driven businesses is suppressed, ignored, ridiculed or even destroyed by the ruling elite's agents. -Another reason why we've ended up with the same old same old...  

The education system has stopped people from real critical thinking. There's a serious need to challenge the authorities while not readily accepting the consensus of the masses view. In short, question everything.  


Like the education system the mass media is another form of social engineering, serving to inculcate economic, socially acceptable, moral and ethical values. Essentially, the entire mass media is now in the hands of only 5 major corporations in the USA! All these conglomerates can be linked to the controlling political, economic ruling elites.  By concentrating the ownership into the hands of just a few, that allows the ruling elite to not only more easily control the desired social engineering but also influence public consensus through their media. You have mass media biased coverage in politics, economic, academia, science and technology... as a means for the ruling elite's own ends.  This results in the masses following media that has little in the way of anything that significantly contributes to human growth. 

Science and Technology 

For centuries and even today science still holds the view that reality can be explained entirely in terms of materialism, while consciousness is nothing more than an illusory by-product of our brains.  More so now than ever, this ridged and dogmatic purposeless, Godless materialistic view has been widely criticized. Many critics say that it is holding science back: That a broader paradigm approach to science beyond the confines of materialism would lead to greater benefits for humankind. This conservative materialistic belief has allowed corporations with governments and academic institutions on their behalf to exploit. Thus scientists have been manipulated into using a narrow paradigm approach for corporate profit.  

My vision is to see that science will break away from its imprisonment and then give rise to those greater benefits for humankind. As with science, technology has not been fully allowed to develop for the same reasons. We know that over the years technology may change radically and for the better. However, some technologies stay the same because the corporations will not allow any changes that would undercut their big businesses.  

No matter how much more beneficial to humankind, the related corporations with governments, academic institutions and mass media acting on their behalf will conspire to ignore, quash or even unjustly ridicule pioneers with their new alternative cheaper technology. Take for instance the case of the motor car. Invented well over a hundred years ago the Model T Ford is basically the same in principle as the motor car of today. Nothing much has changed here because big oil who ultimately controls the industry won't allow less polluting cheaper alternative cars to dominate the market.  There are many other examples where this happens. Take the case of cheaper natural non-toxic cancer therapies. 


The major political parties, those that stand any chance of getting elected into office are all funded and backed by the world's ruling elite. Thus the elections are only 2 or 3 horse races because the ruling elite who've made it this way can make sure whoever wins they would have backed.  So those in office will be there ultimately not to serve we-the-people but the wishes of their lords and masters the ruling elite and their new world order agenda. Electing any of the major political parties is therefore not only choosing a going nowhere scenario but a vote for slavery.  The solution would be to start supporting independent candidates that have no ties to the ruling elite and have a genuine want to contribute to humanity. 


Such is nature that things don't just go in circles. They either go in upward or downward spirals. If we're to free ourselves of this downward spiral rut then we need to educate ourselves and others on how the interests of just a few elite individuals are playing us for their own gain. Say no to playing their game is the answer in mind, body and spirit. As for you personally, if you're stuck in a rut then don't complain if you're not doing anything about it.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Quanta's Jim Britt - Letting Go of FEAR

What is the opposite of FEAR? Anything that is not loving is based in fear. Fear is an emotional conflict within yourself. For example, anger may be the fear of not being in control. Sadness may be the fear of what you have lost or may lose. So the million dollar question is 'How do you let go and walk away from FEAR? Quanta co-founder Jim Britt explains.

Most people have a desire to do more with their lives. However, fear acts as a major prohibiter and prevents them from even trying. Fear immobilizes you and creates friction in your thought process.

A good example of fear in action is one who desires to start their own business. Fear of the unknown or fear of the risk or fear of failing may prevent that person from ever getting started. When you enter the emotional state of fear, your brain is simply trying to keep you safe and secure. In doing something unknown, you may feel as if you're in danger. The brain will automatically have you flee from pain.

There are many theories on how to get rid of fear. After all, fear is not false, its very real. On the other hand, its simply a made up story but one that you believe is true. And if you believe its true, then it will be true for you.

We all have heard the remedy of 'Just face your fears and they will go away'. What about the people that are fearful of 'facing their fears'? There are a multitude of daily routine acts that can be considered risky that may cause fear. Driving a car is risky. Getting married is risky. Riding a bicycle is risky. Snow skiing is risky. Mountain climbing is risky. Raising children is risky. Driving over the speed limit is risky. And on and on. All these acts are risky but we do them anyway. You see, every action you take is either based in fear or based in love.

If you move toward what you want to accomplish in life, then you have moved away from your fears. The more you move toward what you want to accomplish, then the more you will move away from fear. As you move toward what you love you may still feel the fear. However, the key here is to observe you fear and look at it for what it really is. Your fear is simply energy from a thought process based on a past experience that you project into the future with the anticipation that it may happen again.

"FEAR is simply taking a past experience and projecting it into the future with the anticipation of it happening again and re-experiencing it in the present moment. " - Jim Britt

Fear is not real unless you give it life. If you move toward what you want to accomplish in life, then you have moved away from your fears. The more you move toward what you want to accomplish, then the more you will move away from fear. As you move toward what you love you will feel the fear. However, the key here is to observe you fear and look at it for what it really is. Your fear is simply energy from a thought process based on a past experience that you project into the future with the anticipation that it may happen again. is just trapped energy wanting to be released.

When you observe your fear and look at it for what it really is, then you have weakened its hold on you. Or should I say YOUR HOLD ON IT. The act of self-observation is in itself the act letting go of your fear. Self-observation goes one step beyond self-awareness. Self-observation involves not only being aware of the fear, but separating yourself from it and seeing it for what it really is.

Fear is nothing more than a made up story in your mind based on a past experience in anticipation of it happening again.When you self-observe your fear, see it for what it is, you are letting it go. Then you simply move past it toward what you love. Don't give the fear any attention and move past it on a new path,

Chris Doe Ford - for more information and daily training and techniques on this topic and other life changing methods within Quanta, please visit my homepage athttp://selfhelpishere.com.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Do Not Be Fooled By Your Perception

Copyright (c) 2014 Mak Martin
Our experiences shape our perception and our world. Through our experiences we have formed a working map of how the world is and how it works, but more often than not our previous perceptions can be wrong when we experience what is known as a paradigm shift. For instance, let's say you are having a cup of coffee and a cake at an outdoor cafe. Suddenly you catch a glimpse of a person at the sidewalk waiting for a cab. Somehow the person's face and mannerism seem familiar to you. Maybe this person looks like your high school friend many years ago. But your old school is miles away. You look closely at that person and the person catches your gaze. Both of you look at each other for a few seconds until the other person looks down and checks his watch and hails the cab and goes off. You realize you've made a mistake. So often, in so many situations, our brain fools us simply because our grey cells respond on cue to our previous experiences and expectations. If you never expect to meet an old friend at a sidewalk cafe, you will find a suitable explanation for what you have just seen. These interpretations often lead us into traps, tricking or fooling our sense of perception. One day I was driving along a straight road on a hot sunny day and my son exclaimed "We're driving into a big puddle !". We slowed down and as we neared the "puddle" we realized it was a mirage, an optical illusion. Such illusions can lure those lost in the desert to their doom. When viewed from a distance, mirages can look like a big area of water like a lake, or they make remote parts of a landscape much closer than they are. Such illusions can be explained through differences in temperature of the air. Our brain has evolved to the point where it has to makes sense of the world as perceived by stimulus through the other senses. If the information is incomplete, the brain has to fill in the gaps to make sense out of what it receives. We could use this ability to form a basis of a good memory and recall. Memory experts and straight-A students have somehow figured a way to form meaningful associations out of two or more pieces of information that have no link at all.  They have used the brain's ability to achieve astonishing feats of memory, such as memorizing a long list of items or a long chain of numbers. A more pragmatic user would have used this ability of the brain to memorise complicated mathematical formulas, scientific equations, even memorise long biblical verses, learn a foreign language and even teach young children math skills like memorizing the multiplication tables. They have turned something abstract, like numbers, or a foreign word into something meaningful , like a mental picture or stories that helps the human mind achieve astounding feats of memory. If you have trouble recognizing faces and remembering names, like many people I know, you can let your senses do the work to improve your memory and recall. Practise looking at scenes and inanimate objects with a quick sweep of your eyes, then closing your eyes and recall the details of what you have just seen.  This way, when you meet someone new, you can do the same without a rude stare and identify distinguishing features of a person with a quick glance, like the color of the hair, eyes or shape of the nose. The clothes the person is wearing, jewellery, scent and perfume. With enough practice, a quick sweep of the eyes can transfer enough information from your observation to your brain to be processed. You then proceed to associate your observations with the person's name, by making interesting pictures or stories. This way you discover you'll be able to remember new faces and names much better.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Why Prioritizing Really Does Help You Get More Done

We're busy. Work, school, kids, house cleaning, etc. The to-do list seems to be never ending. But with a little prioritization we can really get more done. Working smarter and not harder is the key. Follow these steps to prioritize your to-do list and get more accomplished. 

Ten Steps to Prioritize and Get More Done 

1. Create your to-do list. You might want to break this down into two lists of short term and long term. Keep in mind the time frame which you hope to get everything completed. 

2. Start writing your list in whatever order you think of things. Just get everything down on paper. Don't worry about trying to do it in a specific order that you think it needs to be done. Chances are the things that are of most importance will be the first things you write down on your list anyways. 

3. Break it down. Now take your to-do list and break it down into different categories. Put all of the household chores on a household list. Put all of the work chores on a work list. And so on and so on. 

4. Decide how you want to approach the list. You can reorder it to make sure that the things with the highest level of importance are done first. If everything has the same level of importance, then ordering it alphabetically might be better for you. If it's running errands, then order based on the proximity to where you'll be located when they need to be done. So if they need to get done after work, then the first item should be at a location closest to work and the final item should be at a location closest to home. 

5. Keep it visible. Post the list in a place you are sure to see and actively use it. Check off things as you go along. This way you'll know it's done and you'll be encouraged by being able to see your progress. 

6. Consider your deadlines. Figure out how long it's going to take you to complete the tasks and when it needs to be done by so you can prioritize and set a time for things to be completed. 

7. Do one thing on the list at a time. As tempting as it might be to do multiple tasks at once, you'll be less effective that way and you might not come back to complete one of the tasks you have begun. So see them through to completion so you can check them of as you go. 

8. Delegate. You can't be expected to do it all. So delegate some of the tasks on your list to other people. This way it frees up time to get other things on your list completed. 

9. Sometimes doing the least desirable tasks on your list first (if that's possible) is the most effective way to work. This will give you something to look forward to instead of dread. 

10. Not all urgent tasks will trump important tasks. If the dry cleaning can wait to be picked up another day, then do it to give you extra time to complete that work project.

Keeping a to-do list will really help you accomplish more, so start writing your list to get your life in order.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

How to Love Your Life More

How much do you love your life? 

This may be the very first time you have been asked this kind of question, but you should really be asking yourself this every day. Our decisions and choices create the life that we inhabit. It is possible, if you aren't paying attention to where it is all headed, that you may end up in some places you never really intended to go. While you can find no quick fixes, there are a few actions you can take to start your journey of getting back on track to loving your life.

1. Prioritize

In order to love our lives we should be spending a lot of our time and energy on aspects that mean the most to us. Yet often, we make decisions and say "yes" to incidentals that take away our time together with our energy. 

For you to move forward, it may be well to commence by considering what the top 3 priorities in your life actually are. If you answer family, creativity, and adventure, for instance then it could be difficult to love a life where you are doing little more than boring, repetitive tasks, and losing out on important time with your family. Consider whether your life, your career, your home, actually represent you and those things you hold dear?

Get your diary out and be in charge of your schedule. 

Bring what you enjoy into what you do. If you love cooking and you work in an office, bring home-made snacks to work for your colleagues to enjoy. For those who are lacking family time, check if you can manage to free more non-negotiable time to spend with your children and spouse every week. Start with small beginnings. Spend an extra hour every now and then on those things that are important to you. Make your time work for you. 

2. Manage Expectations

So often people make themselves sick with misery because their lives are just not meeting their expectations. Maybe your companion isn't the fairy tale soul mate you always fantasized about. Perhaps your job isn't the career that you envisioned when you were studying. It could be that you are living day to day at an age when you thought you could be financially more independent.

There is no need to reduce your expectations of a happy, full life. But in these situations it's wise to sit down and figure out whether unhappiness is the consequence of a situation that isn't helping you, or if you are comparing your life with an illusion. Accepting people, jobs and life for what they are right now can be a healing experience for many. Your partner, husband or wife may not be the perfect soul mate you dreamed about - but comparing them to someone else will only make you both miserable. 

3. Count What's There - Not What's Missing

Remind yourself about everything that is good in your life. What does your partner do better than anyone else? What does your job provide you that you've stayed on this long? What prompted you to choose this job in the first instance? Some of the best things in life are not the strategies that come to fruition, but the surprises that the process brings with it.

4. Take Time Out

Even if your life is fantastic, each of us needs a break once in a while. You may have a career you love or have a great family, but too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Fatigue sets in, you begin to feel depleted, resentful, and wonder about changing your circumstances. Maybe nothing is wrong with your situation - you just need to stand back and take a breather. 

Research shows that people gain more benefit before their holiday than during or after the holiday. This has led scientists to suggest that anticipation of a holiday can be as important as the holiday itself. Plan and schedule regular vacations, spread out your annual leave to some shorter holidays distributed throughout the year, and get regular mini-breaks such as a night out with friends, weekend camping trips to get a change of scenery, and taking time to just be by yourself and do absolutely nothing at all. 

Time spent alone is important for mental and emotional well-being. Take more control over your daily schedule and arrange for regular alone time. Take yourself on a date to a book shop, do the gardening, go for a run, or embark on an adventure.

5. Find Your Passion

Experiencing passion is an important part of living a contented and meaningful life. Inject passion into every day, even weekdays as you work and don't feel particularly passionate. If you search hard enough, you will always find some aspect to ignite your passion. 

When passion is lacking, it can be re-ignited by your favorite food, taking a course, or a night out with friends. Passion can derive from anywhere - it can be reading, creativity, saving animals, playing sports, your friends, or visiting distant countries. Passion can come from something quite modest, such as drinking a coffee. There is no right or wrong. Notice that evoke true excitement from deep inside you, and also notice what kind of person inspires you.

What famous or notable person do you most wish you could be like? This might be the first step in realizing how to live the life you love. If you really aren't sure what your passions are, start with a fresh slate and learn something you've never tried before. 

Take a course in something you're interested in learning; visit a new town; try some exotic dishes; start meeting new people, or check online and start following blogs on any subjects that interest you. Many of the world's finest chefs, writers, artists, designers, architects, athletes, innovators and entrepreneurs blog regularly about their thoughts, ideas and advice.

6. Learn to Love Yourself 

Discovering a life you love is only possible if you can love yourself. This does not mean arrogance or denying that you've got faults. Loving yourself focuses on being your own best friend, a person who accepts you on both good days, and bad days when things don't go to plan. 

Acknowledge and accept your flaws and shortcomings, but resolve to look after yourself well. You deserve to be loved and treated well, not only by yourself but also by others. You deserve a decent life that makes you happy. Not because you are perfect, but even though you are flawed and human, and even though you may find it difficult at times, you still deserve to be treated with kindness and compassion. 

This isn't always easy. We don't necessarily learn to be good to ourselves while growing up. It is a skill that grows with time, and will continue to grow stronger provided we work at it. And the greater amount of love we give to our self, the less we will have to run around fixing problems or finding solutions. Loving your life can become a habit. 

Most importantly, foster an 'attitude of gratitude' for the gift that is your life, and for everything there is in it. It may not be perfect, but it is yours -- and now is the time to live it.

Friday, July 25, 2014

How To Motivate Your Kids To Learn Good Stuff

We want to aid our children in each way achievable, and this is a organic quality that's built into us from the moment we become parents. 

Expanding our childrens mind requires a lot of assistance and it really is fantastic whenever we can aid them in their endeavours. There comes a point although, when a line is crossed that leads into the territory of too much aid.  

Part of children transforming into responsible adults needs us to allow them to learn how to do particular things on their own. They might make some mistakes, but they need to grow and learn to grow to be more objective. How can we as mothers and fathers, stop being a crutch to our children and start permitting them do things on their own? 

Remember Your own Childhood  

Think back to whenever you had been young. Did you prefer to do issues on your own, or to have a person coddling you and doing every little thing for you? It is very doubtful that you simply favored the coddling. Even though children do not often want to do every thing they may be by themselves, they get satisfaction in possessing jobs and doing their very best. It provides self-confidence and self-respect when a child can look at the things they have completed and understand that they did it on their own.  

Be patient and Let Go of Perfection  

If we resist continually sweeping in and saving the day for our children, we must also learn to be patient with them.  We can certainly count on them to do their very best, and we as parents need to keep an open mind of our expectations of our children. 

This might mean enabling your baby to learn to use their very own utensils rather than feeding them in order to avoid them making a mess. It may mean letting your toddler take their clothes from the washer to the dryer, piece by piece, at a snail's pace. It could also mean watching your son or daughter battle at their math homework instead of leaping in and doing it for them. Raising children takes endurance and have confidence in their ability to learn. 

Educate Them the Appropriate Way  

Allowing your child to do things on his (or her) very own doesn't automatically imply that you simply stand back uninvolved. It's important to train your children the proper way to do their chores and be successful at jobs. This will provide them with the confidence they can really accomplish whatever they try. Providing them the equipment to be successful is a important step of maturity for them. It will also offer you the self-assurance in them which you want in order to step back and stop interfering.  

Inspire Them  

Every child needs encouragement, and every parent wants the chance to motivate. While your son or daughter is learning to grow to be more impartial, offer them sincere praise and compliment their attempts. This really will allow them to know you are there for them, even when you are not directly there. 

As our children grow, we learn to change our hands-on assistance with other ways to be there for them. It's important for us not to do every little thing for our children, but to permit them to learn things on their own. Finding ways to inspire them without having to do all their work will reward us and our children in the future, and develop the partnership between us and our children.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Personal Development Tips That Will Improve Your Life

Growing to become the best person that you can be is really what personal development is all about. The best way to be successful is with your persona; growth is to learn as much information as you can and to apply that information whenever possible. 

Place your personal central principles into practice. Each person has his or her center of beliefs. Use your faith in these principles to drive your faith in yourself. If you do this you will encourage you to be consistent, it is an great trait to have.

When considering your own personal development, focus on leadership. Leadership has many different definitions, but the common theme is influence. 

Evaluate your leadership skills honestly. 
  1. What experiences have had the greatest impact on your life? 
  2. What kind of skills have you acquired? 
  3. What skills would you contribute to a group? 
Analyzing these questions can help you generate a team perspective and allow you to lead by example. If you hope to advance your state of knowledge regarding personal development, it can help to show a little humility. When you realize how insignificant you really are, you will begin to understand you have more to learn.

Once this concept is ingrained in your brain, you will be eager to learn new skills and expand your knowledge in order to improve yourself.

You should stay in great physical condition in order to get the best out of personal development.

Simple things such as getting plenty of quality sleep, eating a nutritious diet and exercising regularly will keep your energy levels up and give you a better chance of reaching the personal development goals you have set for yourself. While it appears easy and simple, getting in shape can also be very challenging. 

Create a written pep talk for yourself. On a postcard, write down all of your best qualities. Keep it handy, and when you need a little motivation, read it. For even more powerful results, record a video of yourself reading your list and watch it frequently. Sounds intriguing, right?

Instead of bragging about achievements, you should ask others about theirs.  

Respectfully listening to the successes of others can help you to gain insight into your own inner life as well as allowing you to connect with others in a meaningful way.

Whereas trying to fix your problems yourself is always a great idea, sometimes you might have to seek out professional help.

Self help books are useful to an extent, but they lack the substance or personal touch that a therapist can provide to a patient. There are many times when talking with another person about a stressful situation is the most effective route to relaxation. Reading a book won't let you have a dialog the way therapists do.

You may find it helpful to discuss your issues with a counselor or other trusted professional, such as your pastor. They have a great deal of experience in dealing with personal thoughts and are even licensed to do so. These impartial listeners can provide a sympathetic ear or help you deal with troublesome areas of your life. 

Getting your problems out in the open with a professional should give you a much healthier outlook on your own life.

If you use these tips in this article, you can begin your journey to personal development. Keep current with new information to keep adding to your strategies towards personal development.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Use These 4 Tips To Increase Your Self Esteem

Most people need a little self-esteem boost every once in a while. 

Self-esteem is all about how we feel inside. 

When our self esteem is low, we can find ourselves living with anxiety, we can find ourselves in abusive relationships, and be prevented from reaching our true potential.  

There may also be cons to self-esteem. For instance, when a person's sense of self worth is unrealistically high, it can turn into arrogance or what is known as 'narcissism', and this can cause problems. 

Such individuals can find it difficult to accept and learn from their own mistakes and may develop a false sense of entitlement. 

Developing a healthy level of self-esteem is very important. For some people, a healthy, high self-esteem comes naturally. But for others, developing a healthy self-esteem takes more effort. 

Check out these pointers to give your self-esteem a kick start. 

1. Draw up a list of your best points - For some individuals with diminished self-esteem, even considering making a list of their good qualities seems like a gigantic task, but it can be extremely helpful for boosting self-esteem. If you find this task challenging, consider what others say about you. What compliments have you ever been given? Start with those and then work from there. Jot your good qualities down using "I" and the present tense. For example, "I am a thoughtful and considerate person." 

2. Regular affirmations - Take another look at the list you made. Choose your favorite qualities to use to do daily affirmations. Take those statements and write them down on note cards and sticky notes. Put the sticky notes where you will notice them everyday, such as on your computer monitor, bathroom mirror, or refrigerator. When you see them, take a few moments to repeat them over to yourself. Put note cards in your pocket or wallet where you are sure to come across them at least once a day. When you do, take a moment to read them to yourself a few times. In just a little while you can change out some of your best qualities for some of the other qualities on your list. 

3. Gain some perspective - People often don't talk about their challenges, disappointments, and struggles in life, but that's not because they don't have them. How we decide to tackle these things will directly influence levels of self-esteem, joy and success. The really successful and confident people in life aren't those who have encountered few difficulties and challenges, they are people who have viewed them as just a part of life and have pushed ahead anyway, learning as they go. Your failures don't mean that you are a failure, they just mean you need to reassess the situation and the way you approach it and tackle it from a different angle. 

4. Make yourself the priority - Part of boosting your self esteem is accepting you are deserving of your own love. Make time for yourself. Take care of yourself when you're encountering a trying time. Say 'no' when you have to and don't feel bad about it. Make your needs clear to others and ask for what you need. (If you find it difficult to say 'no', then look for some assertiveness training, or check out a book on the subject.)

Use these 4 simple tips and you will increase your self-esteem. Above all, make sure you are kind to yourself and give yourself just as much love as you give to the important people in your life. You truly do deserve it!