Monday, May 31, 2010

Guess What Your Children are Texting!

Parent Service Announcement!

This is to make you aware of some of the things your children are texting and some of the websites you can see what the acronyms mean. See what your children don't want you to know.

143-I love you. FB-F**k Buddy. GNOC-Get Naked on Cam. DUM-do you masturbate. GYPO-get your pants off

IIT-is itg tight. IMEZRU-I'm easy are you. IWSN-I want sex now. J/O-jerking off. KPC-keeping parents clueless

LMIRL-let's meet in real life. NIFOC-nude in front of computer. PAL-parents are listening. PAW-parents are watching

POS-parents over shoulder. PIR-parents in the room. RUH-are you horny. WTF-what the f**k.

TDTM-talk dirty to me. MOOS-member of opposite sex. MPFB-my personal f**k buddy

These are just some of the few examples of what you will find on these different websites to know what your children are texting. You also find out if you child has been sexting.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Taking Responsibiity

We are not a product of our environment but a product of our choices. We command what and who we allow in our lives and we must take responsibility for the results of our actions. We are taught from a large number of people right from wrong from the bible, our parents, teachers, mentors, to our religious organizations even television. We share both the ability for good and evil inside us and it is our conscious choice to be either good or bad. As people we make conscious choices and as a result we invite the people and situations into our lives. In order to fight the negativity that presents itself to us we must make a conscious choice not to participate in it and fight it with positivity. We must reframe from listening to it, reading it, watching it and spreading it. Each of us has the ability to stop it. We feed it as we broadcasting, we surround ourselves with it. Why is it that sex and bad news sells more than abstinence and good news? Why is it we are so anixious to hear about someones failures instead of their success? We are constantly separating ourselves from God with the hate we feel for ourselves and others. Let's take a look at television, you are bombarded with news, reality tv, talk shows feeding off peoples misery. Positive shows come on changes you never heard of, when did we get to the point where using profanity on tv and radio is alright. Why is it the old way is no longer working or is it that we are now lapsing in our morality and values. I pose a challenge to the mothers and fathers to take the children back to a time when morals and values mattered. Stop promoting greed, anger, envy, lust, gluttony, sloth and pride these are just the beginning. Instead of being anger or jealous of someone or anyone's success, why not congratulate and ask them how you can begin the road of success. We don't have to have more we choose to have more than we need, we don't have to eat the all of it and go back for seconds and thirds we choose to and then we lay around and complain about our weight. I am not passing judgment I am asking for each of us to take the challenge of doing and being more positivity. Let's teach our children love of self and not love of things. The only person we can change is ourselves and with that change will grow. Hate comes from self hate to hate someone else you must harbor great since of self-hate. God made us each unique by his hands no man is better than another, which have talents and gifts to share with the world. If we do more encouraging and less discouraging we will have less desire to over indulge in drugs, alcohol and sex (faithful married couples not included). Strengthen yourself with positivity affirmation, tell yourself what you can do not what you can't. Look at what you feel is great about you and ignore those who find fault with you, accept the way God made you and love yourself because he loves you too.  Make a commitment to God and yourself to live a positive life.  Do not let situations and others dictate the way you live or who you are.  Get to know yourself, like yourself and love yourself and let God do the rest.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Positivity vs Negativity

Bad news, gossip, sex, scandal, drama someones misery is someone elses pleasure. It is really as exciting or worth talking about as the media makes it out to be or is it something we use as distraction to not deal with our own problems. Why is negativity promoted so easy and positivity is not. As I surf the web or change the channel or open the newspaper the negative news jumps out at me but I have to search to find a story of heroism, love, new life, anniversaries. It is time that we stop supporting and promoting the negativity that is destroying our children, neighborhoods, relationships and our lives. We see it on television, hear on the radio, spread it through gossip and we read it in books, magazines and newspapers. We have the power to change what we take so why do we allow so much negativity surround us. The media works on demand so let's start demanding more positive messages, tv, radio, articles and more. If we surround ourselves with more positive people, inspiration, motivation and conditions. Giving our children positive roll models are not enough they need positive input, positive tv, radio, music, reading and environment. These are all things that we have the power to give and promote. Negativity even in moderation is still harmful that is why we need to flood our lives with positivity, laughter and love. So let's get it flooded in here!

Positivity is a team effort, so let's build a team that will promote positive morals and values, self-confidence, self-respect, love, friendship to give our children a stronger since of self and a positive future.  Our children are the future, what type of future will they have if we continually allow morals and values to be superseded by hate and death. Let's monitor what the see, hear, read, listen too, let's not stop there let us extend that to other children who don't have parents or someone who cares.  Let's not act like we don't see them or hear them, it takes a village to raise a child.  Let's start those villages once again.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

"Just Asking"

"Ladies, now I know that you may not agree but I ask you to just listen. Woman to woman, we all have "complained or are still talking negative about men whether it is our father, sons or spouses on a daily. Let me ask you (honestly) is it them or is it our own expectations that is the problem (men you can comment too). Now with our fathers we have to accepted that they are who they are and deal accordingly, our sons are the product of our own doing depending on how we raised them and the outside influences we let into their lives but our spouses now that is based on our choices and if we set any criteria for what we wanted in a man.

Now ladies, let's have a straight talk, do you give your man the treatment that you would like to receive or do you just complain about what he doesn't do. When you wake up in the morning, do you greet him with a smile, say good morning and give him an appreciative pat on the butt or do you start the morning with a list of demands or complaints. Now I know the first thing you are thinking is he doesn't do that for me but have you thought if you do it (sincerely) you may change the way you start your day and maybe he will feel the same.  Ladies, this is not about changing your man this is about taking positive actions to get positive results. If you want your relationship to change, improve or be more positive you first must make a change in yourself. Give the treatment that you want to receive, if you want your man to cook for you and his reason is he can not cook, then invite him into the kitchen and make him apart of the cooking process Make it a fun event, play a little, make it something he would like to do. If he does something wrong don't criticize, compliment his effort, make him feel comfortable and appreciate his willingness to learn. I know we have long days at work or taking care of the children and sometimes just don't feel like dealing with our spouses needs, remember not to take your exhaustion out on your children or spouse. Take a moment settle the children, and greet your spouse with the love you feel for him, relax him then take a moment for yourself.  If you have something on your mind wait until all is settle before attacking him with a problem, try to communicate in a calm peaceful state of mind so that you can discuss solutions and avoid arguments. Men this also goes for you too, instead of communicating your concern do you look for a distraction or run to the door. Try to have more understanding for one another, place yourself in the other person's shoes and see how they would feel by your words or actions.

If you want a great relationship then change the only thing you can change and that is yourself. I know when you first meet you don't learn everything you need to know about the person before you start a relationship, sometimes it is just physical and you get caught up then children are involved.  Although, the relationship may have started out on shallow desires, only means that for the relationship to grow it will take honest communication, hard work learning to like and accept ourselves as well as one another, openly encouraging as well as appreciating each other a relationship is like a business in order for it to be successful you have to work hard and as a team.

There are too many broken homes, fatherless and motherless children, we are losing generations because of our lack of willingness to make the relationships we enter work or jump into a relationship before we are ready and jump ship when things may not be the we want it to be. This is not including abusive, life threatening or unhealthy relationship those I advice any woman or man to jump ASAP! But those with money issues, stress, culture differences any relationship that compromises can be made you must continue to try. God wants you to be together, he blesses love and marriage, he will help you find the answer.

Now ladies, I know this may seem like it is all on us to keep things going but in truth it is, now before you bite my head off.  God gave us the greatest gift by blessing us with the ability to bring life, and the greatest job in the world to a Mother, we are the first women our son's love and the first women our daughter learn from.  We are the mothers of society, he gave man physical strength, he gave us spiritual strength, we are the backbone of the family and able to rise after each fall as well as pick up our spouse and children when times are hard. So if your spirit or relationship is broken go to God and he can repair it but don't take the job God gave you lightly, your career, your bank account, your car or how big your house is not what God is going to look at when your time comes, how much you give, love and taught will.

Tell me your thoughts and opinion, I am looking for positive objective comments. Please!