Saturday, May 22, 2010

Positivity vs Negativity

Bad news, gossip, sex, scandal, drama someones misery is someone elses pleasure. It is really as exciting or worth talking about as the media makes it out to be or is it something we use as distraction to not deal with our own problems. Why is negativity promoted so easy and positivity is not. As I surf the web or change the channel or open the newspaper the negative news jumps out at me but I have to search to find a story of heroism, love, new life, anniversaries. It is time that we stop supporting and promoting the negativity that is destroying our children, neighborhoods, relationships and our lives. We see it on television, hear on the radio, spread it through gossip and we read it in books, magazines and newspapers. We have the power to change what we take so why do we allow so much negativity surround us. The media works on demand so let's start demanding more positive messages, tv, radio, articles and more. If we surround ourselves with more positive people, inspiration, motivation and conditions. Giving our children positive roll models are not enough they need positive input, positive tv, radio, music, reading and environment. These are all things that we have the power to give and promote. Negativity even in moderation is still harmful that is why we need to flood our lives with positivity, laughter and love. So let's get it flooded in here!

Positivity is a team effort, so let's build a team that will promote positive morals and values, self-confidence, self-respect, love, friendship to give our children a stronger since of self and a positive future.  Our children are the future, what type of future will they have if we continually allow morals and values to be superseded by hate and death. Let's monitor what the see, hear, read, listen too, let's not stop there let us extend that to other children who don't have parents or someone who cares.  Let's not act like we don't see them or hear them, it takes a village to raise a child.  Let's start those villages once again.

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