Now that December is almost over, it is time for me to solidify my goals for 2017. As always, I balance and set goals in all areas to maximize my growth as a person and as a professional. I have goals for health that include a targeted lifetime eating plan; goals for my business that emphasize professional growth; goals for creative expression that include writing and photography; goals for relaxation that include travel and a lot more NFL football games!
When it comes to setting and reaching these goals, I use a simple and proven 3 step process that virtually assures that I reach my goals. I'm going to lay it out here as it applies to a financial goal, but recognize that this method applies to the success of reaching ANY goal. Here's what you do:
Secret #1: The first step is to be absolutely precise on the desired goal. While you may have heard this before, it's still amazing that many people I work with don't practice this. For example, I still ask people what their financial goal is and they tell me, "earn more money than I made last year." If you earn $1.50 more in 2017, then you will have reached your goal, won't you?
Instead, you need to know the exact amount. In determining that number, I always look at each month, factor in vacations, holidays, projects, etc., and then I add up each month and come up with an EXACT figure. And then I add 20% more!
Once I have that "stretch goal," I break it down again per month and write each month's specific dollar goal everywhere so I'm looking at it each day of every month. I post it on my desk, in my car, in the bathroom; I know exactly what I'm going to accomplish each and every day.
I also adjust it per my production for that day so it is a fluid and ever changing number. Sometimes the daily amount gets bigger as the week goes on, and sometimes it gets smaller (depending on my production each day). But the point is that it is specific and exact, and I'm always aware of what my daily, monthly and yearly, specific dollar amount goal is for each and every day.
If you haven't done this yet (especially the "add 20%"), then do it before January 1, 2017. You'll be amazed how much this will keep you motivated and into action. And you'll be amazed by your increased production!
Secret #2: Get clear on where every dollar of your income is going to go. Ask yourself: "What am I going to do with all the money I'm going to earn this year?" How much are you going to save by the end of the year? How much debt are you going to pay off? Are you going to buy a new car? Pay for your kid's education? How much do you have budgeted for vacation? How about taxes? How about retirement?
These are just some of the questions you need to get in the habit of asking yourself this month, and you need to be completely clear on exactly where each dollar is going and where you're going to be financially by the end of 2017. Having this kind of clarity and purpose helps keep you focused and disciplined, and it has a magical effect on how the Universe helps you accomplish your specific financial goal.
Now I know that things come up, but when you have every dollar accounted for, you'll be amazed at how you can earn extra money to handle the unexpected. That's just how it works. But I have found that when I'm crystal clear on how much I'm going to earn and what I'm going to accomplish as a result of it, my focus is razor sharp and I remain motivated each and every day.
In addition, when you know why you're working so hard and what for, you're ready to put secret number three into effect:
Secret #3: Once you are clear on your exact financial goal and know what you are going to get as a result of it, you can now practice one of the most important parts of any goal accomplishment: acting as if you've already attained your goal. If you've ever read any book on the Law of Attraction, then you know all about the importance of accepting and believing on a subconscious level that you already have what it is you're trying to accomplish.
The Law is simple: the Universe responds to what you feel and believe to be true. If you think you're broke or that your territory is poor or that you can't do something, then you'll find evidence to support your belief and you'll act (or not act!) accordingly. If you believe the opposite, then you'll find a way to keep taking actions to accomplish what you believe is possible, and the Universe will provide you with the opportunities to confirm what you believe.
But the key is to believe it has already happened. By acting as if you are already the top producer at your company, or by going to sleep at night already feeling the feelings of having accomplished your goal, you'll act like a magnet for the success you've already determined is yours.
By acting as if you've accomplished your goal, you'll automatically and easily take the actions necessary to achieve them. Suddenly it will be "like you" to come in earlier, to make more calls, to qualify better, etc. I have found that acting as if is the most important thing I have ever done to catapult me into new earning levels and new conditions in my life.
And I have found that it ALWAYS works. Whether I believe I can or I can't, I'm always right.
There are lots of ways to achieve the "being state" of acting, feeling and experiencing your success in advance, but my favorite is to write and read affirmations that are rich in feeling and emotion. There are many books out there that will teach you how to do that, and I recommend you invest in them today.
The bottom line is that when you follow these three secrets to successful goal attainment, you will become unstoppable. There will no longer be road blocks, and no outside element will ever permanently get in the way of your accomplishing any goal you'll set. You see, there is always a way to achieve anything you can dream of. And if you're absolutely clear on what it is, know exactly why you're going for it, and can feel and live as if you've already accomplished it, then nothing can stop you from attaining it.
I encourage you to use this month to put these secrets into your goal planning for 2017. If you do, then next year at this time you will be reaching for even more aggressive goals because you'll have discovered the real secrets to performance in life.
All the best for 2017!
In today's fast-paced world, lots of people have a problem with meeting their personal or professional objectives.
They are told to go back to the drawing board and come up with schedules.
However, what individuals forget to realize is that no matter how complex the timetable is, should they do not have the will to follow along with it, then it serves no purpose.
A lot of people have problems with procrastination, which is the malady which has held many gifted folks back from reaching their goals.
Just about the most effective ways to handle procrastination would be to prioritize your work from the most significant, to the least important. Read on and learn how to overcome procrastination and how to make the most of your time.
It is because they are sensitive and may require you to spend more time and pay much more attention doing them. Although you ultimately want to accomplish all of the tasks within this list, there are going to be some that are more time sensitive or important than the others. Begin with the most crucial ones and move the right path down. Furthermore, you should also attack your list by starting with items that are interrelated.
Read: The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
When you take on similar tasks at the same time, you'll end up spending less time overall then if you had taken them on at separate times. Because of this you should first do an assessment of all the jobs before you do any.
You should also ensure that you fully grasp your time constraints. The reason most people end up procrastinating is the fact that they overestimate the time they have to conduct a particular task. In the same vein, you should allocate time to every activity, know the time available and then how to proceed.
This gives you the earliest expertise in what you can do and that which you are not able to do. This cushions you from establishing overambitious agendas that you are not able to keep. If you find that you could have overestimated the time you might have, quickly readjust your routine and do what you can do in the remaining time.
Finally, make use of the multiple reminders available such as alarms to track your progress and get away from any backsliding into procrastination once more so that you figure out how to get motivated more easily. With so many electronics on the market now, it should be quite easy to evaluate how you're progressing from time to time. Finding the time to put these alarms in place will help you to improve your speed or even change your schedule to make the most out of the time you have.
What defines most procrastinators is the fact that they always quit every time they sense failure. Despite your inability to keep your initial strategy, you must do all in your ability to reap the most out of the rest of the time. For instance, if your plans entailed going to the bank, finishing up with a book you were reading and then carrying out laundry, you may run out of time before you fit everything in.
In short, you do not achieve because you're the perfect person. It is simply your ability to accomplish much using the time and resources accessible to you.
Have you ever listened to a motivating speaker, felt motivated to make a change in one or more aspects of your life as a result, but then failed to take action upon leaving the conference room or auditorium?
Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common.
Read: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Consider this; every year on January 1st millions of people outline a list of goals they intend to achieve for the New Year. Yet, all too few accomplish their goals. Why is this?
You cannot achieve your goals and dreams unless you get started. Newton's Law of Motion certainly rings true when it comes to motivation; bodies at rest tend to stay at rest. Getting started is often the largest hurdle for most people to overcome. However, once you begin a project, initiate an idea or take action steps, most people stay the course and accomplish their goal.
How do the most successful people get motivated, and remain motivated? The answer is simple -- commitment. Well, at least that's part of the answer.
The other parts of the answer involve going after the right goals or targets, having a realistic game plan, maintaining a connection to the established goals, and simply having fun during the process.
Does your Goal Pass the Acid Test?
When you consider your goals and dreams, how badly do you want to achieve them? Are you willing to do just about anything to accomplish them? This is the real acid test. Or, are they merely things that you would just like to accomplish? Herein lies the difference between goals and dreams.
If items on your to-do list, would like to have list, or goals and dreams list don't really matter enough to you at the end of the day, you aren't going to be really motivated to press on come hell or high water and accomplish what you need to. So, review your list of goals to see if they pass the acid test. Shorten your list to only those items that pass. Then, commit yourself to working through the process.
There's a reason professional athletes spend a great deal of time before a game, match or event visualizing. They are focusing on not only accomplishing their goal of winning, but on how they will feel as a result.
Spend time considering what your goals look like? How will you feel the moment that you accomplish them? Who will you celebrate with? And what are the actual benefits or rewards that will accompany this success?
Visualization allows you to feel connected to your goals. And it can build the confidence needed to take that first step.
Defining a Realistic Game Plan
Now that you have identified what your 'actual' goals might be and have visualized what it will be like to achieve them, it's time to determine the steps you need and intend to take. Outline specific action steps and completion dates. This is where so many fail. When defining your plan of action, you must consider what you will accomplish and by what date; otherwise, your goal is simply a dream.
When defining deliverable dates, be realistic. Set milestones that you can actually accomplish. Setting unrealistic goals is a recipe for disaster. In addition to the ultimate completion date, be sure to insert short term milestones to work as check-points.
For example, if one of your goals is to lose 15 pounds this year, you will first want to break this goal down into bite sized chunks (1 lb. at a time). Establish quarterly weigh in points. After each weigh-in, track your progress against your larger goal. Post your progress in an area that you will see daily for additional motivation; your bedroom, bathroom mirror or refrigerator. If you are on track, reward yourself. If you aren't on track, take corrective action.
Have Fun with Rewards
If one or more of your goals are long-term, it can be challenging to stay focused over the entire time period. Shorter milestone check-points will provide you with realistic targets where you can check-in to see how you are faring against goal. When you are on track, reward yourself.
Rewards don't have to be monumental in order to be effective. They must simply represent something of value or personal enjoyment. Treats if you are on a diet, the purchase of a much coveted item, a massage or a night out are simple examples of potential rewards. Your rewards need to be personal and meaningful to you personally in order to motivate you.
Be Flexible
If you get off track during your journey, allow yourself the flexibility to modify your plan. Sometimes you need to adjust the goal. Don't beat yourself up -- learn from the experience, make the necessary adjustments, and get back on track.
Ask for Help
One of the most motivating things can be encouragement from someone you respect, trust, or love. Share your goals with a mentor, family member or friend and ask them to assist you along your journey. Check in with them and give them permission to hold you accountable.
External motivation is often readily available; speakers, a book or a favorite song or tune. Motivating yourself requires focus, dedication and commitment. If you have identified the right goals, formulated a realistic plan and utilize tools along the way, your chances of achieving your goals will be powerfully increased.
Do Emotions Control Your Life?
To a certain degree, yes I do think that emotions can control your life and for many people, they are also running their lives. Emotions are pre-determined and they make us human. Some people think that you can merely ignore your emotions or even worse, try eliminate all emotion from their life!
The problem with this belief is that no matter what you try to do, no matter how hard you try to suppress the way you feel, your emotions will always win. They are banging on the door of your mind. The more you try to ignore it, the louder and louder they bang and the harder and harder they pound. This is where some people will inevitably bottle up these emotions until they explode and depending on their personality type, each person will respond in a different way, none of which are particularly pretty to witness. Some time ago, there was a lady who knew her husband was cheating on her, she knew and remained silent for the good of her kids, but also because she was so scared to lose him. The longer and longer this went on, the more and more it became apparent that the cycle of endless cheating would not end. More than a year down the line, she could not take being hurt any longer and just up and left.
Now why did this happen? Simple, she bottled up all the emotions that she had, which she subsequently decided to ignore. Emotions are not something that should be considered as a weakness or a negative thing, they are there to serve as a warning that one or more of your beliefs and life rules have been violated. This woman never pulled her husband up on the belief that he was cheating. If she had, she may well have found that actually, the husband was not cheating on her at all, he was working another job just to feed their family.
Now there was clearly a big issue with communication, as a matter of fact there was no communication and this was a big part of the problem. However this is not something that I will cover in this article. The point here is that emotions can not only be warning signs, they can be felt by people as a result of some one's perception of a particular situation, even if the situation is being perceived completely wrong. This lady took her husband's absence as a violation of her own rules, perceiving it to be that he didn't care about her or want to be with her, she then created a story in her mind as to why he wasn't spending time with her and showing her that he still cared, when really he was just incredibly burnt out.
Now, emotions serve as a very useful tool for anyone trying to improve the quality of their own life, their business, and their relationships, so let's take a brief look at the 10 emotions I Believe to be directly responsible for the quality of one's life.
The 10 Emotions
Discomfort - this is not an extreme emotion but will leave you feeling uneasy feeling as if something is not quite "right"
Fear - this is possibly one of the most useful as it is a clear warning sign for us. Scared, frightened, are words that could be used to described this emotion
Hurt - this could be when someone violates one of your rules that you live life by, this can also be linked to a feeling of loss, which could be tangible or intangible, depending on the situation that can caused this emotion
Anger - being enraged, livid and aggressive, this emotion can be the most externally shown emotion and can take many people by surprise through the actions of the person experiencing it
Frustration - this is an emotion that entrepreneurs and business people often experience and can stop even the most dedicated people in their tracks. This can be altered to serve you in your endeavours as with the other emotions which I will explain shortly.
Disappointment - a feeling of not quite making it, not performing at best or being let down are often used to describe this emotion.
Guilt - This is an emotion that you must act on quickly if you can to stop it from growing root. Sometimes this may not be possible because it has been left too long already, but this can potentially be another devastating emotion if people do not control it.
Inadequacy - the feeling of not being as good as the next person, not as smart, not as strong, not an equal.
Being overwhelmed/Depressed - sometimes people go into a state whereby they describe themselves as being depressed and overloaded in their life, it can also be a pre cursor to the next emotion
Loneliness - The last emotion is that of being lonely, you may feel like the walls are closing in, nobody is there to help you or talk to you. A feeling of being completely on your own can be horrible, especially as we humans are very social creatures and as such, we need connection and love from time to time
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How to Utilize Your Emotions
So now you understand the 10 emotions, how do you go about changing them to help you create a better standard of life and increase your own happiness? There are two ways in which you can do this, changing either your perception of your emotion, or changing the situation you are in. For example if you are running your own business and all of a sudden the demand for your products takes a nosedive. You may well have emotions of fear, discomfort, anger, frustration, you could be feeling a number of different emotions depending on your past references and experiences and your own personality type.
So you have these feelings, but remember, they are there to serve you, they are telling you that you need to change the way you are looking at it and perceiving it, or you need to change the situation that you are in. In this case you could first change the perception of the situation and instead of looking at the sudden lack of demand as a bad thing, you can turn it around and say that now you know that demand is shifting so you may need to consider altering the product, changing the product or even the way that it is marketed. This way you will turn it around and potentially make an even bigger profit than before. Notice that after changing your perception, you are then already ready to change the situation that you are in.This may not be the case for every situation, so you need to be mindful as to what you are feeling and what is causing the emotion, then act accordingly to make that shift and change the quality of your life for the better.
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Let's face it. There are only two ways to approach life. You either honor the fears in your life, or you love your life. You see, the opposite of fear is love. If you honor the fears in your life, these 5 fear based emotions will destroy you. What do you honor?
1. Anger. Do you know anyone that is always angry? These people are angry at everyone. They are angry at their spouse, angry at their children, angry at their co-workers, angry at the traffic, angry at the long lines they are standing in, angry, angry, angry.
I know a few people like that, do you? Have you ever thought to yourself, 'I wonder why that person is so angry?'
I know I have. One person in particular comes to mind. With this particular person, my opinion is that this anger derives from feeling a lack of control. I was always taught that if you have a need to be in control, then you are out of control.
But make no mistake, anger definitely comes from living in fear. Maybe that person is fearful of losing a business, or losing an income, or losing a person in their life, or whatever.
Read: Change Your Brain, Change Your Life (Revised and Expanded): The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Lack of Focus, Anger, and Memory Problems
2. Jealousy. Aah, the 'ole jealousy emotion. This is by far the biggest destroyer of them all. Excuse me here, but I have to relate this fear based emotion to relationships, more specifically a sexual based relationship. After all, the most powerful emotion since the beginning of mankind is sex.
If you suffer from severe jealousy of a spouse or partner, you need to take a closer look at yourself. To overcome jealousy you have to overcome your own shortcomings. The way I look at it, jealousy is a fear of being out of control. You can't control if someone cheats in a relationship anyway, if they are going to cheat you can't stop it, so don't fret it. And again, a need to be in control means you are out of control.
3. Resentment. Carrying around resentment, in my opinion, comes from a failure to communicate and/or express your expectations of another. Once again, I know a particular person that carries around loads of resentment for family members. This person expects certain business family members to perform certain tasks, and when they fall short, resentment explodes. The fact of the matter is that this family member that falls short of expectations doesn't even know that task or tasks was expected of them in the first place. A classic case of miscommunication.
Resentment is totally created by the person carrying it. It takes loads of energy to carry around resentment. Refocus that energy in a focus, productive way and just let go of this crippling emotion.
4. Anxiety. We all have felt this type of emotion in some way, shape, form or fashion. Feeling anxious begins at an early age. You are anxious because you don't want to be late for school, or you don't want to miss the bus, or you have to be home at a certain time, or a certain project is approaching a deadline, and on and on.
Feeling anxious, in my opinion, results from trying to meet certain expectations of others. To relieve this emotion, simply replace your expectation or the expectations of others, with an aspiration. You simply aspire to do your best. You aspire to be on time. You aspire to perform at your highest level. When you aspire and not expect you are not disappointed, and your anxiety will fade.
5. Insecurity. The emotion of feeling insecure affects millions. Feeling insecure in your relationships, your finances, your marriage, your job, etc. A lack of self-esteem combined with a poor self-image is a major factor in feeling insecure. How do you overcome feeling insecure? My rule of thumb was always 'just go to work'. Work hard, aspire to do your best, and let the chips fall where they may. When you have a 'hard work attitude' combined with an aspiration to do your best, you self-image will increase dramatically.
Do you suffer from any of these 5 fear based emotions? Remember, the opposite of fear is love. Love casts out fear. So, try loving more and letting go of fear. You will see a dramatic effect in your life and your business.