Sunday, December 19, 2010

Do Some Job Interview Practice To Make Sure You Get That Job

The key to securing any job is selling yourself in the interview process. The interview is the prospective employer's first and usually only impression of the job applicant prior to an offer of a job being made. Anyone can have a second party proofread their application or resume but when it comes to the interview the applicant is all on their own. One of the best ways to prepare for a job interview is to take part in some job interview practice.

Job interview practice can help ease nervousness and tension when the time of the actual interview arrives. Preparing for difficult questions, making sure to be dressed for success and having a self assured confidence can set a job applicant apart from applicants who go into an interview "cold turkey". It is quite apparent to practiced interviewers whether someone has bothered to do any preperation or not.

It's always a good idea to get a second or even third opinion of things. Job interview practice can help the applicant get a better idea of how they come across in an interview situation, from the quality of their responses to the impression they create in their appearance. The applicant may not see the small details that an interviewer may pick up on and take into account when assessing the suitability of the candidate, so it's best if it is something that can be pointed out before the day of the interview and improved on if necessary. 

Practicing answers such as' What do you feel you can contribute to this company' or 'what would you say your greatest weakness is' can help the applicant come across as confident and self assured. If the applicant has thought out the answers to questions such as these, the answer can be given in a self assured manner without hesitation. The mock interviewer may be able to introduce questions that the candidate has never even thought about preparing for. Being prepared is the best way to prepare for an actual job interview and the best way to do that is with job interview practice

So to reiterate, a job applicant's best chance of securing the position is to give a great interview. A great interview involves being prepared, confident and being dressed for success. It is a statistical fact that those who prepare for a job interview by getting some job interview practice have more success than those who don't. It truly can make the difference between being offered the position or not.

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