Monday, April 1, 2013

3 Tips For Staying Positive Everyday

How do you stay positive everyday? If you have an Internet business you are not going to make money unless you stay positive and get the job done. I have never been one that has real high ups and real low downs. For the most part if I get enough quality sleep I stay pretty positive everyday. 

I understand this is not the case for everybody though. This got me to thinking about how I stay positive and how really simple it is to do for me. 

Maybe that could be the case for you as well. 

Here are 3 things that make a difference for me and they do not include ready my goals everyday, reading self help books, and so on. If that helps you by all means do it.


 1. Daily to do list. I find when I write things down that I want to accomplish everyday, and mark them off my list as I complete them, it does wonder for my attitude.

It is really liberating and invigorating to accomplish things and see them magically disappear off of your list. Of course you have to do the work, but when you have a positive attitude accomplishing things on daily basis is really easy to do.

These could be both personal or business items that need to be done. As a matter of fact by all means list anything you want to accomplish that can be done in one day. 

Take a look at your list and prioritize those. Get busy completing them. Mark them off as you do complete them, and at the end of the day you will feel great! 

 2. Take 1-2 walks of 30-60 minutes. The fresh air clears my head and I sleep better at night.

You do not need anything more than a good pair of walking shoes. There's no excuses for not getting out the front door and taking a walk. Anyone can do it and you'll feel great.


 3. Take a nap. I take a power nap every afternoon for about 30 minutes and I am really refreshed and ready to work for a couple of hours more.

This may or may not be something you can do depending on your schedule. You certainly should be getting six to seven hours of uninterrupted quality sleep every night. 

However, if your schedule allows a quick power nap it will really refresh you and keep you motivated for the rest of your day.

Getting enough rest and exercise is something we should all do anyway. 

The daily to do list keeps you focused, and in the accomplishment state of mind, which is great for staying positive. You will make more money online if you do!

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