Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Homeschooling Can Be Fun

Education is not just about sitting in front of books and reading about the world and how it works. True education offers the opportunity to see the world first-hand, and to learn up close about those things. Viewing something in person rather than just reading about it allows for greater memory retention. Learning information by reading is suitable for many situations, but learning by seeing with one's own eyes is irreplaceable.

Choosing Where to Go

When you are planning a homeschooling class trip, the first thing you need to do is to choose where to go. Perhaps you are studying a particular subject and would like to explore it further. Maybe your child has expressed a keen interest in a certain subject and would like to pursue it outside of their regular studies. 

You may have a friend who works in an interesting field that can give you connections to a location you may otherwise not be permitted to go to. Maybe you need a break from the usual routine and have a fun idea in mind. For whatever reason you are going, choosing a place to go is your first step.

Choosing Who to Go With
Does your child learn best when alone, and only with their siblings? Or maybe your child is very sociable and this could be an opportunity for them to get together with some of their fellow homeschooling friends. Decide if you would like to take anyone else along and if so, invite them.

Choosing How to Prepare
Depending on where you go, there are a variety of things you can do to prepare for your class trip. Maybe you will do a quick study on the location or subject, if you haven't already. You will want to gather any materials you plan to take on the class trip, and make copies for anyone who is going. For example, if you are going to a bird sanctuary, you may wish to take supplies such as pens, paper, and a list of birds to look for.

Read: Do It Yourself Curriculum - Fun-Schooling with Minecraft: 400 Homeschooling Lessons (Homeschooling with Minecraft) (Volume 1)

Choosing How to Record

Before your class trip, let your child know how you expect them to record their experiences. Recording an experience can help your child to remember what they saw and retain more details. You can choose from a variety of ways, such as making written notes, or drawing pictures. You can turn a class trip into a scavenger hunt for the children in order to make it even more exciting, with a list of pictures or items to check off when found.

Choosing How to Review

After the class trip is done, review what you experienced a day or two later. Ask your child questions and help them to remember both the obvious and the obscure details. Reviewing what was learned on your class trip will help your child to remember what he or she experienced even into further the future than they normally would.

Class trips are a fun and exciting way to promote learning and bring new experiences to your children. Seek out a variety of places that would be a good fit for you and your children to see. It will be a welcome break from your normal routine, while expanding their world.

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