Wednesday, December 5, 2012

6 Easy Steps To Boost Your Self-Confidence

Everyone has a mental picture of who they are, how they look and what their strengths and weakness are. You continuously create this picture of yourself that you started to develop way back when you were young. This is called self-image.Typically, self images are based on day-to-day interactions with other people and significant life experiences. The way you picture yourself affects your self-esteem and how you look at yourself affects how other people perceive you.

The higher your self-esteem is, the more likely you'll succeed in achieving your goals. Here are some tips to help you boost your self-confidence and help you reach your full potential.

1. Know your positive qualities and embrace them. List down all your assets, skills, positive experiences, talents and all the other things that make you feel good and proud about yourself. You can also include the positive compliments that other people have given you. This list will constantly remind you of how great you are as a person and will surely boost your self-esteem.

2. Know that you are not perfect and accept it. Don't let a particular fault or shortcoming define you as person. You need to realize that you're a desirable package even if you have several imperfections. Every time you feel that your confidence level is going down the sink, look at yourself in the mirror, smile and think about the positive characteristics that you like about yourself.

3. Be thankful for what you have. When you think too much about what you don't have, you mind gives you reasons why you don't have them. This might cause you to dwell on your shortcomings and make you miserable about it. So, instead of feeling bad about what you don't and can't have, think of the things that you already have and be grateful for them.

Recall all your previous successes, great relationships, wonderful experiences and unique skills. By doing so, you will not only feed good about yourself but it will also motivate you to be confident enough to move forward and take the next steps to achieve your dreams.

4. Trust yourself. If you find yourself caught in a challenging situation, remind yourself of the problems you've faced and the obstacles you've conquered. Don't ever doubt your capabilities. Instead, take note of all your accomplishments no matter how small or big they are and let them remind you how you made it through despite your shortcomings.

5. Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Some people never speak up during group discussions because they are afraid of what people might think if they did or say something stupid. Don't mind whatever people will say about you. If you're to shy to speak up, close your eyes and think that there is no else in the room but you. Once you're getting that hang of it, open your eyes and see there's really nothing to be scared about. It also helps to internalize the importance of what you have to say. Knowing it will give you the push to share it with other people out aloud.

6. Don't be afraid to fail or make mistakes. Our mistakes and failures make us stronger. Remember that trying and failing is better than not doing anything at all. If you fail at something or made a mistake, stand up and learn from that experience and try again. Don't think that there's no room for mistakes because in life, there always is. Don't be afraid to follow your dreams.

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