Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Converting Aspirations to Motivations

Motivation is a strong inner drive to accomplish something. It goes beyond mere instinct and desires. It is the commitment to achieve despite of difficulties or challenges. People who are highly motivated may initially fail multiple times but they usually see failures as part of the learning process. They see these failures as opportunities to improve their strategies.

Pushing limits

As the saying goes, "whatever that does not kill you will make you stronger." It seems that highly motivated people will always push their limits even if they are on the brink of proverbially or literally killing themselves in the process. Perhaps among the excellent examples of highly motivated people are the long-distance runners in the Olympics who push the limits of human stamina and endurance.

Merely having the aspirations of accomplishing something is different from being motivated from actually achieving these desires. All people have dreams and aspirations but only a few really become successful. Most dreams and aspirations are never realized. There are many factors to consider but the primary factor for not realizing these dreams is the weak motivational push of most people.

Internalizing motivations

External motivational factors could be either negative or positive but these merely serve as triggers. Motivation is always a personal choice to commit and act on goals. Incentives and coercions may provide some boost but being motivated will ultimately depend on the individual mindset. For example, a lazy student may not necessarily respond to the threat of being flunked. Conversely, the incentive of getting high grades and being recognized in the honor roll will not necessarily force a student to study diligently.

Extrinsic motivational factors are only as effective if the intrinsic motivation is responsive. However, it goes beyond mere reacting to stimulus. It is all about sustaining the reaction and internalizing the drive. Aspirations only become achievable goals if they become motivations.


Set goals - The goals must follow the SMART criteria. The goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant or realistic, and time-bound.

Plan - Once the goals are clearly established, making plans is the next logical step. It should involve dividing the goal into intermediate and manageable objectives. It should also involve the allocation of resources such as money and time.

Execute plan - Procrastinations must be avoided. It is crucial that the plan must be implemented as soon as possible. Starting early will ensure that adjustments in strategies and utmost quality can be accomplished.

Commit - Goals and plans are useless if they are easily discarded once difficulties are encountered. A high level of commitment is necessary especially for difficult long term goals. Staying focus on the most important things will help sustain commitment.

Learn - Plans serve as guidelines but they are not necessarily infallible maps. Even with the assistance of maps other routes can be discovered. Hence, it is important to be flexible enough to learn new things and change strategies when necessary.

Ask for help - No matter how talented, intelligent or wealthy a person might be, he or she cannot possibly do everything that is needed to accomplish personal goals. Asking for the assistance of others will make the tasks much easier. For instance, if a business person who want to build a corporate empire will need the help of managers and ordinary workers.

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