Thursday, November 14, 2013

Understanding What Drives You to Succeed

The first step in achieving anything you want is deciding what you want in the first place. 

Do you want material gains or personal satisfaction? Is your deep desire to positively impact others or to make a certain amount of money? 

My belief is that if you are using your gifts and doing what you love, the money will follow. 

Often times, the problem people have is an understanding of what they really want in the first place. They go after the results instead of their real passion.

It is easy to get caught up in material wants but if your inner motivation is not driven by material things then it is unlikely that you will have the drive to take the steps necessary to get those things. 

On the other hand, if your inner motivation is driven by material things then it will be easy for you to really see yourself having those things you want. The key to success is to really be able to see and feel yourself where you want to be.

Let me share an example. Money has never been my motivation. 

My motivation has always come from learning new skills, influencing others, and achieving higher levels of responsibility. When I set goals that are specific to money or material things I can never quite fully feel it on the inside. If I put down that I want to make a certain amount of money each month and I don't have something bigger driving it, it just doesn't work for me. 

Although, there was one time in my life where I set specific money goals and did reach them.  I had an extreme desire to keep my children in our home and not be financially dependent on others. In order to make that happen I had to make a certain amount of money. I set some goals and had a plan so that in five years I would be financially independent. I met my goal within two years. And even though the goal was to make a certain amount of money, my real motivation was about independence.

My encouragement for you is to examine what your real motives are. 

Start by creating a vision board around what you really desire. You will know when you are on to it because it is something you can feel deep down inside. The rest will fall into place when you are operating from your real desires. My real drive comes from making a difference in the world and my big vision is to do that by sharing information. 

There are many, many small steps that have to happen in order for me to fully realize that big vision and I am doing the work to make the necessary progress to move me from where I am to where I want to be. Are you? Remember, you can achieve whatever you believe as long as you are willing to work for it!

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