Can you see it?
Are you still asleep? COVID-19 the great equalizer, see it doesn't matter if your light skinned or dark skinned, tall or short, fat or thin, black man or black woman it's killing you all black people.
Have you opened your eyes yet? Black people will you survive and thrive or lie and die? Even in a pandemic the narrative continues. When will you jump off this hamster wheel of self hate, low self esteem, self doubt and self destruction. The separation
is furthered, even the closeness of death you still do not see or do not learn.
Can you see it
? COVID-19 doesn't care about if your light or dark your skin, it doesn't matter if your hair is nappy, curly or straight. It doesn't care about your religion, your job status or your bank account
. It doesn't care who you know, where you live or who you are related too. Its a virus just like the self destructive hate that has infected the black community this contagious sickness that has been passed down throughout generations.
Can you see it yet?
COVID-19 doesn't care about the difference in your complexion so why do you? It doesn't care about the differences in your hair texture, why do you? Ask yourself why? It doesn't care about why are you not happy with the way you were born or why you envy others. Ask yourself why do you feel the things you are feeling about yourself and others. It doesn't care about which religion you choose to believe in, so why does it matter to you if someone doesn't believe how you believe. We were born unique individuals not carbon copies, we are different each with our own talents and skill sets.
Can you see? COVID-19 is a wake up call, it has locked you in the house to see and face the truth we have been so busy ignoring. Our differences doesn't matter as far as COVID-19 is concerned. We are the same to it, we are equal opportunity to kill in it eyes.
Do you see it yet? The changes we can make, we can make together. Ask yourself do you want to survive and thrive or lie and die? We all know we are stronger together throughout history has proven this, but there is something else that has also hindered us throughout history. Lack of knowledge, it enslaved us, and continued ignorance is what keeps us divided.
Do you see it no you don't see it do you? Lack of knowledge of who we are as a people, where we came from, knowledge of our own talents, abilities, or limits. No you don't see it do you, what you don't know does hurt you and it has been hurting us for hundreds of years. Fear, lack, isolation can you see it yet? COVID-19 the eye opener, if you choose to take off the rose colored glasses you have been wearing. Fear, lack,
isolation can you see it? Which one are you focused on fear, lack or the isolation
? COVID-19 feeds off of blacks killing blacks, it thrives off of black men against the black women, and the black women against the black men, it hungers for the nutrients of a poor diet, lack of exercise, drugs and alcohol. It loves the self hate, it spreads with the ignorance,selfishness and disregard of many, it mutates in the confusion of debates of right and wrong!
Can you see it or should I ask do you want to see it? That's it do you want to see it or are you willing choosing to be blind or ignorant. Is it fear of dying, fear of ridicule, or just fear of life? Or is it lack, lack of money, lack of self confidence or lack of knowledge? I know it can't be isolation could it, we just got locked down or was it your own self imposed isolation?
Can you see it yet? COVID-19 how do we fight it, washing our hands of the fear
, (cleansing ourselves), social distances
(isolating from those not like us) stay at home (remove the lack if we came home together). We have the cure and COVID-19 is giving us the time to cultivate it. As they are finding a vaccine or cure for COVID-19, its time to seek the knowledge of healing the pain of self hate we have been infected with so many years ago. To know and feel that we are beauty from the albino to the darkness of coal, from nappy to straight, short to long, slender to epic, we are beautiful people. COVID-19
is the ugliness we show each other, the hate we feel for each other, it is the abuse we inflict on each other. It is the lies and deceit we tell each other throughout our communities. Its a virus that has been to the most deadly to us throughout the centuries.
When you see it. Be vigilant in changing it. When you see it. Show kindness and compassion. When you see it. Show understanding and patience. When you see it. Teach
and give solutions.
When you see it. Spread positive messages and hope. When you see it. Show empathy and love. We are always helping others before we help ourselves we can no longer continue to sacrifice ourselves. This is the time we need to look at each other with compassion, kindness, empathy and love. We first must heal
ourselves in order to help others. Its time for us to see it, learn from it, and heal it. Lets be vigilant and resilient our legacies depend on it!
Have you opened your eyes yet? Black people will you survive and thrive or lie and die? Even in a pandemic the narrative continues. When will you jump off this hamster wheel of self hate, low self esteem, self doubt and self destruction. The separation
Can you see it
Can you see it yet?
Can you see? COVID-19 is a wake up call, it has locked you in the house to see and face the truth we have been so busy ignoring. Our differences doesn't matter as far as COVID-19 is concerned. We are the same to it, we are equal opportunity to kill in it eyes.
Do you see it yet? The changes we can make, we can make together. Ask yourself do you want to survive and thrive or lie and die? We all know we are stronger together throughout history has proven this, but there is something else that has also hindered us throughout history. Lack of knowledge, it enslaved us, and continued ignorance is what keeps us divided.
Do you see it no you don't see it do you? Lack of knowledge of who we are as a people, where we came from, knowledge of our own talents, abilities, or limits. No you don't see it do you, what you don't know does hurt you and it has been hurting us for hundreds of years. Fear, lack, isolation can you see it yet? COVID-19 the eye opener, if you choose to take off the rose colored glasses you have been wearing. Fear, lack,
Can you see it or should I ask do you want to see it? That's it do you want to see it or are you willing choosing to be blind or ignorant. Is it fear of dying, fear of ridicule, or just fear of life? Or is it lack, lack of money, lack of self confidence or lack of knowledge? I know it can't be isolation could it, we just got locked down or was it your own self imposed isolation?
Can you see it yet? COVID-19 how do we fight it, washing our hands of the fear
When you see it. Be vigilant in changing it. When you see it. Show kindness and compassion. When you see it. Show understanding and patience. When you see it. Teach